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AnswerThere have been uncounted miracles at Lourdes over the years. For the most part these are miracles which cannot be seen - spiritual and mental healings. However, the most amazing part, since the very beginning, has been the physical healings, of which there have been literally thousands. Because of skeptics and others who are wont to disparage this, the Church has been very cautious about proclaiming real miracles, and the unbelievable strictness of the requirements for a "complete physical healing miracle" mean that very few are actually accounted miracles on the Church's official lists: for the miracle to be recorded by the Church, it must be completely unexpected, the patient must be taking no medications or other treatments which might have effected the cure; the cure must be total and lasting, and totally unexplainable. Of the nearly 7,000 recorded miracles, only 67 have been validated as meeting all of the Vatican's stringent requirements. (See the third link at the bottom) But if you talk to any serious pilgrim who has gone to Lourdes with a real problem for healing, 90% of the time they will tell you that, for them, they had a real healing somehow. The 67 cases are indications beyond any possible skeptic, proving that Our Blessed Lady is indeed praying to God to work these miracles, and everyone who has gone and asked God for healing is touched in some way. Some of the cures have been inexplicitly worked on non-believers who weren't even aware of where they were.

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13y ago

There are books of the lists of miracles that have occurred at Lourdes. One story is About a Boy who went into the shrine on crutches, because his legs were so diseased. He spent the day praying in the shrine. The next morning, he woke up and was healed.

For everything that happens at Lourdes, the Catholic Church does an exhaustive background check of the story.

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9y ago

Lourdes is the place where, in 1858, a young girl, Bernadette Soubirous, supposedly saw apparitions of the Virgin Mary in a grotto. Although she was sometimes accompanied by others when she saw these apparitions, only Bernadette was able to see the visions she described. Bernadette called the young woman in her visions aquero - "that one" - and it was only when others told her she had seen the Virgin Mary that Bernadette realised that she had indeed done so. The local clergy ridiculed her claims but then, as pilgrims began to arrive, accepted them as true. At first, there was no suggestion that miracle cures could be expected at Lourdes, but people of medieval and early modern times expected that wherever Mary's apparition was seen, one could expect the possibility of cures.

Lourdes is now renowned for its miracle cures. It receives over 80,000 pilgrims a year, of whom approximately 7000 people in more than a century have sought to have cures confirmed as miracles. Only 68 of these have been declared as scientifically inexplicable by both the Lourdes Medical Bureau and the Catholic Church, a number so small as to suggest that these cases were likely to have been cured or gone into remission anyway.
In 1960, John Dominic Crossan (author of The Birth of Christianity) visited the shrine at Lourdes. He says there were many crutches at the back of the grotto, but no prosthetic limbs or empty coffins. Later, in 1965, he visited the pagan healing shrines of the god Asclepius at Epidaurus in Greece and at Pergamum in Turkey, and was struck by the general similarity between the ailments involved in stories of healing at those shrines and at Lourdes. It seems that in both cases there were pilgrims who believed they were cured of various ailments, although not such dramatic cures as the restoration of missing limbs or of the old being made young again.

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9y ago

There have been uncounted miracles at Lourdes over the years. For the most part these are miracles which cannot be seen - spiritual and mental healings. However, the most amazing part, since the very beginning, has been the physical healings, of which there have been literally thousands.

Because of skeptics and others who are wont to disparage this, the Church has been very cautious about proclaiming real miracles, and the unbelievable strictness of the requirements for a "complete physical healing miracle" mean that very few are actually accounted miracles on the Church's official lists: for the miracle to be recorded by the Church, it must be completely unexpected, the patient must be taking no medications or other treatments which might have effected the cure; the cure must be total and lasting, and totally unexplainable.

Of the nearly 7,000 recorded miracles, only 67 have been validated as meeting all of the Vatican's stringent requirements. (See the third link at the bottom) But if you talk to any serious pilgrim who has gone to Lourdes with a real problem for healing, 90% of the time they will tell you that, for them, they had a real healing somehow. The 67 cases are indications beyond any possible skeptic, proving that Our Blessed Lady is indeed praying to God to work these miracles, and everyone who has gone and asked God for healing is touched in some way. Some of the cures have been inexplicitly worked on non-believers who weren't even aware of where they were.

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11y ago

There have been nearly 70 verified miracle cures at Lourdes not just 4.

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14y ago

Many people through the years.

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There have been about 68 verified miracles at Lourdes.

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Why do people visit louredes?

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