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Evil is live spelled backward. All living things are challenged by evil.

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Q: What has Evil got to do with Live?
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Related questions

Is evil love spell backwards?

No, "evil" is "live" backwards.

When was Evil Live created?

Evil Live was created in 1994.

What is the relationship of live to evil?

live spells evil backwards

Anagram Evil and live?

The anagram of evil and live is vile.

When was Live Evil - song - created?

Live Evil - song - was created in 1994.

What is rats live on no evil star backwards?

Rats live on no evil star!

Who is evil in Snow White?

Snow White's stepmother is evil. She got a poison apple and got Snow White to eat it.

Where does the evil that men do live?

"After them." ...or, It moves in with the evil that women do.

What has free will got to do with evil?

The idea is that you are free to choose between doing evil, or not.

Has santa got a gay brother?

No his evil brother Jack Frost is not gay and does NOT live in honolulu in hawaii as a popsice seller! Ok? Never look for him there

How did the nazi party get started?

it got started by hitler a bad evil, evil man.

Is Superman evil?

Yes. He got evil in Superman III by a kryptonite from Gus Corner.