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Depending on your worldly adherence to the laws and ordinances of the gospel and if you have repented of your sins.

You will end up in either Spirit Prison or Spirit Paradise, while there you can either be a teacher to those in prison, helping them to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ, or start paying for your sins while you await resurrection.

All people that were born on earth will be resurrected after the second coming of christ, Those who were righteous and repented their sins will be resurrected first and others will be resurrected later after the millenium.

There will be the Millenium When Christ will rule upon the earth for a thousand years and Satan will be bound. After that thousand years Satan will be loosed and have an opportunity to tempt those that were born during the thousand years.

The Judgement will take place and all mankind will take their places in either the 3 Kingdoms of Heaven (Celestial, Telestial or Terrestrial) depending on their righteousness and acceptance of the gospel of Jesus Christ, those who still refuse to accept christ as their savior or rejected the truth once it was given them on earth will dwell in outer darkness.

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11mo ago

In the Mormon religion, it is believed that when someone dies, their spirit leaves their body and enters into the spirit world. This spirit world is a place where individuals continue to learn and progress, and where they have the opportunity to accept or reject the gospel of Jesus Christ. Ultimately, Mormons believe that after death, individuals will be resurrected and judged based on their actions and choices in this life, and will receive a place in one of the three kingdoms of glory in heaven.

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