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When the holy spirit comes into a person , he is full of the holy ghost and is a changed person for ever.

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Q: What happens when the holy spirit comes?
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Can someone be anointed without the spirit of God?

NO. The anointing comes from the Holy Spirit.

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How does the holy spirit come to us in confirmation?

The Hoy Spirit Comes, when the Bishop lays his hand on the young person's forehead. When he does this, he says "Receive the Seal Of the Holy Spirit."

When is the first time the Holy Spirit came to your soul?

.Roman Catholic AnswerThe first time the Holy Spirit comes into your soul is at your baptism.

What comes to you more fully at confirmation?

The holy spirit comes to you more fully in confirmation.

Where does the faith came from?

If you mean the faith that is within you, it comes from the Holy Spirit.

What happens when you get baptized?

If you truly get baptized , the holy spirit enters you and you are filled with it.

Do greek orthodox practice the gifts of the spirit?

Christians who Love God in Truth have the Holy Spirit in their hearts. With the Holy Spirit comes the gift(s) The Orthodox Church is the oldest Christian Church. The teachings are the original teachings of the Apostles and Holy Fathers.

Do Pentecostals believe in God?

Yes they do. They also believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit function today as in Acts 2. This where the name comes from.

How do you invite holy spirit in?

Say 'I invite the holy spirit in' and the holy spirit will come in

What happens in the ceremony of baptism?

Its when your sins turn away from you and the holy spirit come onto you.

What happens to Christians on the day of the Penecost?

As the Biblical story has it, on that day the Holy Spirit descended on them.