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Nirvania; the soul does not go into another body and live another life it is walked back to the souls true home(nirvania) by a sant/satguru(enlightened soul.) Where the soul will live peaceful forever.

Nirvania is a heavenly place in Buddhism, it is made up of massive ocean of golden souls sleeping so fast, they take no notice of there surroundings.

Enlightenment is where the soul attains and essence of Nirvania whilst living a human life on Maya. Once a soul has achieved this it can decide it wants to attain Nirvania or not. Also 7 generations back and forward of the human life which the soul is playing will also attain nirvania after they have finished living what ever life they are living!

there is no soul teaches in Buddhism. so after attain Nirwana there is no rebirt, and there is noone. like blows out a canddle. can u find where the flame goes? like that nirwana is the end of this endless jourey of rebirth.

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7y ago

Buddhists do not believe human beings and living creatures have a "eternal, essential and absolute something called a soul, self or atman". If a person reached Nirvana, and opts to stay there, they shed the final attachment to the concept of an individual self and merged with the universal sense of being.

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11y ago

Soul is nothing,it's persons imagination

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Q: What happens to a buddhist persons soul after death?
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Well depends if you belive in a religon or not? If so what religion you belive, as beliefs vary from religon to religon.

What happens to a person's soul after death according to Hindu beliefs?

According to Hinduism after a person dies his soul takes another birth. This belief is called Reincarnation (punarjanma).

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The present state is where you are now. You exist in this present state. From the moment of conception, you became a human being, that is, a “soul.” Your soul is eternal. Scripture teaches us that we exist from conception until death, from death until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the General Resurrection from the dead, and then, the New Heavens and the New Earth. This article will seek to answer what happens at death to both your body and soul.