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At the age of thirteen, which is when the Bar Mitzva ceremony is held, the young man enters Jewish adulthood and becomes a full member of the adult congregation.
He reads a portion of the Torah, or a Haftarah from the Prophets, with the traditional trope (chant). He will have been taught how to do this, as well as some basics about the Torah and mitzvot (Jewish observances).
The importance of this is that it is a major Jewish life-event and hopefully it will impress upon the young man the value and desirability of exploring and experiencing his heritage.
In this age of generation-gaps, rebelliousness and personal upheavals, many people and families could benefit from the wisdom of their ancient forebears. Today, the major Torah-texts and commentaries are available in translation; and there are outreach organizations and beginner yeshivas which serve to make the full breadth of Torah understandable to whoever is interested. In many instances it is the Bar Mitzva ceremony which sparks the beginning of a youngster's becoming a circumspect, courteous, knowledgeable and respectable peer in his Jewish community.

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Q: What happens to a Jewish boy who is 13?
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He can have one as an adult.

What is a Jewish barmitsvah?

"Bar Mitzvah" is when a Jewish boy turns 13 and has a celebration to become a full-fledged member of the Jewish Community.

What is a bar mitzvah boy?

A 13-year-old Jewish boy who makes his passage to religious adulthood.

What are bar mitzvah?

When Jewish boy reaches 13 years of age it is rite of passage

Why is barmitzvah celebrated at 13?

Because 13 is when a boy is considered old enough to take on the religious responsibilities of a Jewish adult.

Why do people have Bar Mitzvah?

Jewish boys have a Bar Mitzvah at 13 years as a rite of passage.

What would a Jewish boy wear to worship in a synagogue?

A kippah, tzizit and if 13+ tephilin in AM,and Talit in AM if Sephardi

How can a 13 year old boy ask out a 13 year old girl?

Of course. It happens all the time