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You have a party with your family and friends to celebrate your coming of manhood.

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13y ago

That person becomes a man, or if it's a Bat Mitzvah, a women. But directly after: CELEBRATIONS! They dance and eat and basically just have a party.

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13y ago

After the bar mitzvah there is sometimes a food reception in the synagogue, especially if the bar mitzvah takes place on Shabbat (which is most common).

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9y ago

They usually have a huge party in honour of the ceremony.

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4y ago

There is no specific bar mitzvah ceremony. When a boy becomes bar mitzvah, it means that his status changes from child to young adult in the eyes of Jewish tradition. That is purely a matter of age, not ceremony. It is traditional to celebrate a boy becoming bar mitzvah by inviting that young man to lead part of a service, specifically by inviting him up for an alyiah, that is, a segment of the Torah reading. Children who are more able will frequently lead a significant part of the service (I have been to some bar mitzvahs where the young man led essentially the entire service). What happens afterward? There was a medieval rabbi who declared that a bar mitzvah is as worthy of celebration as a wedding, and many are. It is common for the family to host an elaborate kiddush after the service. A minimal kiddush is just bread and wine, but after a bar mitzvah, it is common to be very well fed, and there may be an after party Saturday evening that can include a band and dancing as well as more food. I've been to Hassidic bar mitzvahs and Reform ones too. And I've seen just as much celebration and had just as much fun at both.

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Q: What happens in the synagogue after the bar mitzvah?
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Where will a bar mitzvah ceremony take place?

in synagogue.

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What would inside a bar mitzvah room look like?

That depends on whether the boy's Bar Mitzvah is held in the chapel or sanctuary of the synagogue.

Is there anything special to wear at a bar mitzvah?

The link won't work, so this article is copied directly from factoidz:One of the most common questions asked by Jews and non-Jews alike on bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah forums is what to wear to a bar mitzvah. A bar mitzvah is usually held either in a synagogue or in a restaurant or celebration hall and the mode of dress is slightly different for each of these bar mitzvah venues. Another factor which influences what you wear to a bar mitzvah is the degree to which the celebrating Jewish family is religious.What to wear to a bar mitzvah/bat mitzvah party held in a synagogue?A general rule of thumb is to wear something which would be appropriate to wear to church on a Sunday. As a synagogue is a place of worship the religion is respected by dressing modestly.For women attending a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah modest dress means avoid strapless or sleeveless tops, rather go for something with at least a small sleeve. See through clothing is not modest enough to wear to a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah in a synagogue. Skirts or dresses worn to a bar mitzvah should be at least up to the knee and not mini dresses, extremely tight or with sexy slits up the side.Should women wear a head covering when attending a bar mitzvah party in a synagogue?Married Jewish women cover their heads when attending synagogue and out of respect for this place of worship bar mitzvah guests should consider wearing a head covering as well. Although the rule about women covering their heads is not as strictly observed as the rule for men covering their heads. I suggest wearing a shawl, scarf or wrap to the bar mitzvah and then if you feel the need you can cover your head with it.What should men wear to a bar mitzvah held in a synagogue?For men attending a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah in a synagogue you should wear long pants (trousers) and a shirt or top with a sleeve. Vests or tank tops should not be worn to a bar mitzvah. Jewish men cover their heads in a synagogue, and out of respect guests at a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah are encouraged to do so as well. This means that you could wear anything from a baseball hat to a yamaka (Jewish skullcap or kippah). Most of the time paper yamakas are provided at the synagogue entrance for bar mitzvah guests, and sometimes the yamakas are even printed with the birthday boy's name as bar mitzvah "party favors". Don't hesitate to call up themother of the bar mitzvah boy and ask ahead of time, or stuff a hat in your pocket just in case!What to wear to a bar mitzvah in a reform synagogue?If the bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah is in a reform synagogue the rules are not as hard and fast although the smart bar mitzvah guest wear described above will save you any embarrassment no matter what brand of Judaism your friends follow.What to wear to a bar mitzvah /bat mitzvah party not in a synagogue?What you wear to a bar mitzvah party or bat mitzvah celebration not held in a synagogue is a lot less important. So long as you wear something modest enough for your guest's religious convictions you are ok. If the bar mitzvah boy's parents are ultra-orthodox you can follow the guidelines given above for what to wear to a bar mitzvah in a synagogue. If the bar mitzvah boy's parents are not practicing Jews then you can dress for the bar mitzvah as you would for any large important party. Keep in mind that children, aunts, grannies and maybe a Rabbi will be present so don't over do the sexiness of your bar mitzvah outfit! There is no need for men or women to wear a head covering to a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah not held in a synagogueBe yourself when choosing what to wear to a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah but with a little more attention to modesty.

Where does the bar mitzvah ceremony take place?

The Bar Mitzvah ceremony normally takes place in the synagogue on a Saturday morning when the weekly Torah portion is read.

What should a woman wear to a bat mitzvah reception?

The link wont work, so this article is copied from Factzoids:One of the most common questions asked by Jews and non-Jews alike on bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah forums is what to wear to a bar mitzvah. A bar mitzvah is usually held either in a synagogue or in a restaurant or celebration hall and the mode of dress is slightly different for each of these bar mitzvah venues. Another factor which influences what you wear to a bar mitzvah is the degree to which the celebrating Jewish family is religious.What to wear to a bar mitzvah/bat mitzvah party held in a synagogue?A general rule of thumb is to wear something which would be appropriate to wear to church on a Sunday. As a synagogue is a place of worship the religion is respected by dressing modestly.For women attending a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah modest dress means avoid strapless or sleeveless tops, rather go for something with at least a small sleeve. See through clothing is not modest enough to wear to a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah in a synagogue. Skirts or dresses worn to a bar mitzvah should be at least up to the knee and not mini dresses, extremely tight or with sexy slits up the side.Should women wear a head covering when attending a bar mitzvah party in a synagogue?Married Jewish women cover their heads when attending synagogue and out of respect for this place of worship bar mitzvah guests should consider wearing a head covering as well. Although the rule about women covering their heads is not as strictly observed as the rule for men covering their heads. I suggest wearing a shawl, scarf or wrap to the bar mitzvah and then if you feel the need you can cover your head with it.What should men wear to a bar mitzvah held in a synagogue?For men attending a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah in a synagogue you should wear long pants (trousers) and a shirt or top with a sleeve. Vests or tank tops should not be worn to a bar mitzvah. Jewish men cover their heads in a synagogue, and out of respect guests at a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah are encouraged to do so as well. This means that you could wear anything from a baseball hat to a yamaka (Jewish skullcap or kippah). Most of the time paper yamakas are provided at the synagogue entrance for bar mitzvah guests, and sometimes the yamakas are even printed with the birthday boy's name as bar mitzvah "party favors". Don't hesitate to call up themother of the bar mitzvah boy and ask ahead of time, or stuff a hat in your pocket just in case!What to wear to a bar mitzvah in a reform synagogue?If the bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah is in a reform synagogue the rules are not as hard and fast although the smart bar mitzvah guest wear described above will save you any embarrassment no matter what brand of Judaism your friends follow.What to wear to a bar mitzvah /bat mitzvah party not in a synagogue?What you wear to a bar mitzvah party or bat mitzvah celebration not held in a synagogue is a lot less important. So long as you wear something modest enough for your guest's religious convictions you are ok. If the bar mitzvah boy's parents are ultra-orthodox you can follow the guidelines given above for what to wear to a bar mitzvah in a synagogue. If the bar mitzvah boy's parents are not practicing Jews then you can dress for the bar mitzvah as you would for any large important party. Keep in mind that children, aunts, grannies and maybe a Rabbi will be present so don't over do the sexiness of your bar mitzvah outfit! There is no need for men or women to wear a head covering to a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah not held in a synagogueBe yourself when choosing what to wear to a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah but with a little more attention to modesty.

How do Jewish celebrat adolescence?

They have Bar Mitzvah ceremonies for boys & Bat Mitzvah ceremonies for girls.

Are you asked to participate in any way at a bar mitzvah?

A person may be asked to participate in the Bar Mitzvah ceremony by performing an honor or something similar, but this participation is known well in advance of the Bar Mitzvah. The synagogue will not put any person on the spot to perform some aspect for the Bar Mitzvah.

Bar mitzvah invite says wear jeans?

The bar mitzvah you refer to is probably not actually THE bar mitzvah. That is a ceremony during the service held in the synagogue on a Shabbat (Saturday) morning when best clothes should be worn. You are probably referring to the party celebrating this bar mitzvah. Then, there are no rules - if the invitation says "jeans" then jeans it is.

What happens to an Orthodox Jewish boy after his Bar Mitzvah?

He wears tefillin and prays at the synagogue. He joins his father, grandfather, and older brothers (if he has any) in ALL Jewish adult responsibilities.

What type of religious traditions are performed in a synagogue?

A synagogue is basically a Jewish church. All types of different religious traditions are performed in synagogues, but the most well-known is a bar mitzvah. A bar mitzvah is when a Jewish boy becomes a man at the age of 13. He will then lead the congregation in a prayer. Typically, he must study for a year in order to prepare, as a bar mitzvah is a very big deal in the Jewish tradition.

What is a sentence using the word synagogue?

Jewish people close the store early on Friday to go to synagogue