Safar is the second month of Islamic calendar. It is just like other months. Superstitions associated with this month have no ground. Islam does not believe in Superstitions.
Safar is the 2nd month in Islamic Hijra Lunar Calendar.
4 Safar 1396 AH
According to the English calendar the 11th month of the year is called November but according to the Islamic calendar the 11th month is called Zikad and today is 23rd of Zikad.
7 Safar 1434
14 Safar 1404
16 / 12 / 1971The conversion result is: Thursday 28 SHawwal 1391 A.H.*There is a small probability of one day error.
The month of Safar is one of the twelve Hijri months, and it is the month which comes after Muharram. Some say that it is so named because of the emptying of Makkah when they travelled during this month. It was also said that this month is named Safar because they used to raid other tribes at this time, and they would leave those whom they encountered bereft of their possessions i.e., they would take all their belongings away and they would leave them with nothing.
If this is the birthday, the date 1 March 1975 is converted to 2 Safar 1395.
The date (year) for the Islamic calendar of 1976 was 1354. The months on the calander are Muharram, Safar, Rabia Awal, Rabia thani, Jumaada Awal, Jumaada thani, Rajab, Sha'ban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Dhul-Qi'dah, and Dhul-Hijjah.
Sunday 4 SHawwal 1394 A.H. 4/10/1394 P.S. There could be a small probability of one day error.
From 8th to 13th of the last month of Islamic calendar- the month of Zil Hajja.
in the month thoulhijja, the last month of the Islamic Hijra Lunar Calendar.