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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) consider fornication a serious sin. A Mormon who commits fornication is expected to voluntarily confess this sin to their Bishop when they feel the desire to repent of this sin. The Bishop will guide and support them throughout the repentance process. For some, especially those in leadership positions, a probationary period may occur in which they are removed from leadership and have certain privileges - such as leading congregational prayer or attending special Temple services - temporarily revoked. Exactly what happens will depend on the individual situation, but for most Mormons they will simply go through a period of repentance with the support of their Bishop, and then life will continue on as normal.

Those Mormons who fornicate and decide not to confess or repent of their sins will await God's judgement in the afterlife. The Book of Mormon has strong words against those who 'procrastinate the day of their repentance', saying that they will become subjected to the devil. (see Alma 34:35)

Mormons believe that hiding one's sins or postponing repentance will bring more guilt and pain, but that God as our loving creator desires us to confess and repent so that He may, through His grace, forgive us and restore our personal peace.

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If a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) has a sexual relationship outside of a legal heterosexual marriage, any variety of things may happen, some biological consequences and some religious consequences:

The Biological consequences:

1.) this person will likely be loosing their virginity

2.) this person could get pregnant or make their partner become pregnant

3.) this person could contract an STD

The Religious consequences:

1.) this person is committing a sin according to The Bible, and thus will need to repent of this sin in order to receive God's forgiveness.

2.) depending on the religious standing of this person, he/she may face more tangible religious consequences:

-a.) if this person is a teen or young adult who has not yet made Temple covenants, they will likely not face any church discipline, but they are strongly encouraged to confess to their Bishop who can support them in their repentance process. Confession to a Bishop must occur if the person wishes to serve as a missionary or make future Temple covenants.

-b.) if this person has made Temple covenants (especially if they have been sealed to their spouse in the temple and are thus committing adultery), they are in violation of those covenants. They should confess to their Bishop and may face a temporary period of disfellowshipment.

-c.) if this person holds a leadership position in the church they will be removed from their position, and will likely be temporarily disfellowshipped or perhaps even excommunicated.

The Cultural consequences:

Many Mormons expect that their spouses uphold the same standards that they do. Because of this, some Mormons who have premarital sex face consequences within their relationships-

1.) those having premarital sex with their future spouse sometimes feel there is less meaning to their marriage

2.) those having premarital sex with a different partner are sometimes less trusted by their future spouse, or they may feel more dissatisfaction with their spouse.

3.) those having extra-marital sex (committing adultery) almost always find their spouse is less trustworthy and very often face divorce.

4.) in some cases, this person may be breaking a law and face legal repercussions as well.

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9y ago

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) believes that the Bible makes it quite clear that sexual acts outside of a legal heterosexual marriage are sinful. Sex before marriage or outside of marriage (adultery) are viewed as serious sins. Of course nobody is perfect and premarital sex among Mormons is not unheard of, but it is expected that these sins will be confessed to a bishop and repented of prior to participating in any sacred Temple ceremonies or holding any leadership positions within the church.

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Yes. Many members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) are married or sealed in the Temple after having premarital sex. While premarital sex is considered a serious sin, it does not forever disqualify one from participating in Temple ordinances. Those who have committed serious sins such as this are expected to confess and repent of that sin, and then they may participate in the Temple just as anyone else.

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Q: What happens if a Mormon fornicates?
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