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When a Jewish girl turns 12 she automatically becomes a bat mitzvah according to Jewish law, there is no choice in the matter. If the question is regarding the ceremony that is held to celebrate this event, there is no actual requirement for the ceremony, this is a modern practice.

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It's more of an option than obligation. If you miss out as a child, you can do it as an adult.

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Q: What happens if Jewish children don't celbrate Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah?
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What ceremony do Jewish teens experience?

Boys celebrate Bar Mitzvah's and girls celbrate Bat Mitzvah's.

What is a bamitsfar?

Do you mean Bar Mitzvah? If so, this the coming of age of Jewish male children (Bat Mitzvah is the same thing for female Jewish children). It is at this age that the children become responsible for adhering to Jewish laws and tenets of their faith (nb. it is the children who are referred to as Bar/Bat Mitzvah - not the ceremony of them attending their first sabbath service).

What 2 Cerimonies happens to a Jewish Boy?

Circumcision and Bar Mitzvah

What is a Barmitsfar?

A bar mitzvah is when a Jewish boy becomes a man. This happens at the age of 13.

What do you call a Jewish ceremony for someone turning thirteen?

If youre a boy, your bar Mitzvah!! if youre a girl you do it at 12 and its called a bat Mitzvah! biggest celebration of every Jews life bigger than a wedding

What is a girl's mitzvah event called?

Girls Bar Mitzvah is called a Bat Mitzvah. A Bat Mitzvah happens when a Jewish girl turns 12 years old. Once the girl reaches that age she is an adult according to the Jewish law. This means that the girl will have to follow all applicable rules. During the ceremony the Bat-Mitzvah girl will wear the dress of her choice.

What responsibilities do Jewish people get once they are bar mitzvah?

A bar mitzvah takes on the religious responsibilities of a Jewish adult.

What ceremony does a Jewish boy have to go through to show that he is a man?

This is actually a common misconception. When a Jewish male turns 13 he is considered to be an adult in regard to taking on the religious responsibilities of an adult Jewish male. This happens on his 13th birthday when he is a 'bar mitzvah'. When he turns 13 he reads from the Torah publicly for the first time and this is associated with his being a bar mitzvah. The ceremony doesn't make the person a bar mitzvah, it celebrates his being a bar mitzvah.

What new responsibilities does a bar mitzvah get?

The Jewish boys are required to stay in the synagogue for at least 1 day after their bar mitzvah. They are also noticed as an adult in the Jewish religion. at a bat mitzvah, the Jew had to read out of the Torah. it used to be only boys who have a bat mitzvah, esp. in the orthodox branch.

What ceromony is celebrates young Jewish children becoming adults?

The Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Bar is for boys, Bat is for girls.

What are the same about bar Mitzvah and bat Mitzvah?

Amazing! There is a service in the morning for about an hour and a half. There normally is a party after or later that day, sometimes even the next day! (:

Did Zac Efron have a bar mitzvah?

Logan Lerman was born to Jewish parents. He had a Bar Mitzvah ceremony.