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The person is put into water 3 times to wash away their sins.


According to some Scriptures we enter the Kingdom of Heaven where Christ is King through our Spiritual birth in Baptism . "'Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of God.' Nicodemus said to him, 'How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?' Jesus answered, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.'" (John Ch 3) It is obvious that we should see baptism as a parallel to our natural birth into the country in which we are born.


It depends, greatly, on the particular religion you are referring to. Different religions have different ceremonies and for different purposes. Not all religions have baptism

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14y ago
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8y ago

Original sin is washed from the soul, and the holy spirit enters, you also become a child of the mystical body of Christ. You have also started the initiation into Christianity and you are showing your appreciation of God.

Answer: Christian baptism means being filly dipped, or immersed in water.

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11y ago
Catholic AnswerYou are made a new creature, a child of God, capable of cooperating with His Grace, and attaining heaven. Protestant AnswerWhen you are saved, you are made a new creature, a child of God, capable of cooperating with His Grace, and attaining heaven. Baptism is proclaiming this to the whole world.
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13y ago

the family will gather around a baptismal font. this is a large bowl, usually made out of stone, marble or glass which holds the water used for Baptism. the priest or deacon asks the parents what they ask for their child and they reply "Baptism". Later the parents make the baptismal promise on behalf of their child. These promises are based on the Apostle Creed.

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12y ago

It depends on the type of baptism. If you mean baptism by immersion, then the person being baptized gives the "Good Confession", said by Peter in Matthew 16:16. The person is then dunked under the water to symbolize Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.

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15y ago

A person (often as a baby) is welcomed into the Christian community.

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11y ago

When you take baptism you proclaim to the whole world that you belong to Christ.

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12y ago

The person being baptised is making a public profession of faith. The person could of already accepted the lord as their savior, but they are making it public.

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14y ago

The child is put in water three times to wash away their sin.

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Q: What happens at baptism?
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What happens in infant baptism?

Nothing much happens.

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Where does baptism happened?

It happens in water.

What happens to your sin when you are baptized?

What baptism are you talking about? Infant baptism? Baptism of believers? Well the answer is much the same. Nothing happens to your sin when you are baptized. If you are a believer your sin is already dealt with before you get baptized. A believers baptism is a sign of the believers identifying with Christ in that Christ was buried and rose again the believer is buried (in water) and rises again to a new life. Infant baptism??? well there is nothing in the Bible that teaches infant baptism.

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What happens at a infant baptism?

The babyis blessed by dipping its head in holy water.

What happens to us in the sacrament of baptism?

We become Born Again in Christ Jesus.

What happens in the ceremony of baptism?

Its when your sins turn away from you and the holy spirit come onto you.

What happens at an adult baptism in a baptist ministers church?

See related link: Definition of Baptize

Where does a baptism happen?

you have to call your chosen church and set an appointment

What happens when people celebrate baptism?

Baptism is receiving the Holy Spirit into your life. Catholics have their babies baptized at a very early age,,, other religions wait till a child is older.

What happens in infant baptism service?

In this service from a spiritual point of veiw, the baby is accepted into the church community and will show it by receiving all the sacraments following baptism like confession, communion or confirmation. The baptism is just the first step to a Catholic being part of the church.