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2 people (male and female) get married in front of their guests by a legal marriage celebrant (That is Jehovah's witness), then they go on their honeymoon. And spend the rest of their married life together. === === The bridesmaids and groomsmen will enter to The Sound of Music, and the bride will enter last, as you would expect. The bride and groom will take their place at the front of the gathering. They will likely take seats at the front so that there can be a few words of counsel from The Bible given to them that will help them in their life together. After the words of encouragement and advice are given, they will stand again to be married. There will be a few subtile differences that you may notice. One is that there likely will not be the announcement to the effect that "if anyone objects to these two being married, let him speak now...." unless the law in your state says that it has to be said. The reason is that any cause for them not to be married would have been settled long before this, and the time for any objections is already passed. These two are grown adults who are making this choice before God, and quite frankly, it's nobody else's business if these two are married. So we don't do that. Another subtile difference is that the wedding ring will take a less prominent role in the wedding. The wedding ring actually comes from pagan origin, and Jehovah's Witnesses are very careful not to mix pagan religion with ours. So, there will not be the whole "with this ring, I thee wed" thing. The minister may say something to effect that the wedding ring is an outward indication that these two are now married." Then he will likely tell them that if they are exchanging rings, they can now do so, to which they will put the rings on each other's fingers without any sort of ceremonial presentation. Another pagan custom that should not be done at a Witness wedding is throwing rice, which originated from the ancient pagan rite of showering the happy couple with grain to wish upon them a 'fruitful' union. Pagans believed that the fertility of the rice seeds would be transferred to the couple as they fell over over them. There likely will not be the throwing of the bouquet or the garter which are also pagan in origin. The tradition of throwing the bride's garter comes from a pagan tradition in which a retiring pagan high priestess held a ceremony where she tossed her witch's garter into a group of eligible young priestesses to select the next high priestess. As traditions evolved, the bouquet replaced the garter as it was more respectable. In more modern times, the tossing of the garter was re-introduced so that the bride and groom both have something to throw. Since the above traditions are pagan in origin, Jehovah's Witnesses generally avoid them. Aside from a few subtile differences, the wedding will pretty much be the same as others you may have attended.

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15y ago
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14y ago

same as any other wedding- minus the drunkeness (hopefully, since we drink, but encourage that ppl dont get drunk)- maybe that is why you might not even see alcohol at the wedding, being that not everyone follows this, especially at weddings!

music, dancing, food- same as any other wedding

though we dont really do the garter toss- its not a rule, just havent seen anyone do it

and we dont give toasts

otherwise, enjoy!

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9y ago

"What happens in a jehovah's witnesses wedding reception" ?? uhh.. Jehovah's Witnesses are normal humans, a wedding reception would be much the same as any other humans wedding reception. The only difference is that they don't drink until intoxication. So to answer your q, I would say - After the ceremony and pictures taken they would all gather together to eat or whatever the bride and groom have planned (as you know, some human weddings arent a full meal it may be just nibbles and maybe non and alcoholic drinks) they give thanks to Jehovah (gods name) for the blessing of the marriage arrangement, for the day and food etc. And then eat, maybe dance, mingle etc. It really is just like any normal wedding reception. Nothing weird or fanatic. Perhaps you could call one and ask them personally..

I've found the ones I know of to have high morals, be very polite and helpful and if you think otherwise you might just be surprised when you speak to one

Hope that helps..

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14y ago

The same as normal Receptions for the most part. It usually starts out with a pot luck dinner where all the the invited guests bring a dish (since the whole congregation is invited). You bring a present for them. you sign the guest book. You say a prayer then you eat. They have a first dance and family dances then everyone dances. Sometimes there are speeches, sometimes not. They bride and groom cut the cake and had out party favors. There is however no drinking of Alcoholic Beverages. The dance lasts as long as the party does.

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12y ago

The reception is a PRIVATE affair; not sponsored by the Kingdom Hall. Some weddings are very simple, due that the wedding party cannot afford much. The use of the Kingdom Hall, and an officiating elder, do not charge for their use.

We have no objection to a reception, or party, after the wedding ceremony.

There may be eating, dancing, skits. I've been to some pretty good shows; including our own daughters. Sometimes even alcohol -- but it is monitored, esp because of non-witnesses who may be there. If anyone does not follow rules of good conduct, they are asked to leave.

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11y ago

Like any other marriage just not in a church!

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