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The northern 10 tribes of Israel had been captured by Assyria forty years earlier, their aristocracies were deported to Assyria and a new aristocracy brought in to rule the tribes.

In 587 Jerusalem was besieged by Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon and was captured. Following the Assyrian technique, the Babylonians sent the aristocracy of the southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin to Babylon and a new aristocracy was imported to rule the tribes and keep them quiet.

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Q: What happened to the Israelites and people of Judah by 586bc?
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They didn't change from being Israelites to Jews. The 12 Israelite tribes were banished to Babylon. When they finally returned to Israel, only 2 tribes were still identifiable. Jews were named after the largest of the two: Judah.

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The Lion of Judah from the Christian Bible.

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