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After the death of the last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), the Muslims carried the message of Islam to different parts of the world. During the reign of The Second Rightful caliph, Hazrat Omar (RAU), the Muslims conquered almost one-third of the world and succeeded in establishing the Muslim Empire.

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It continued to be violent for no reason.

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Q: What happened to the Islamic religion after Muhammad died?
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Which of the fallawing was the most troubling aspect of Muhammad's death fot the Islamic religion?

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Did Muhammad die in 699 ad?

No, Muhammad died in 632 A.D.

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After Muhammad died the challenges were to allow for the Prevalence of Islamic edicts and the protection of Muslims

Who was the founder of Islam that died on June eighth 632?

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) died on the 8th of June 632 AD. However, Prophet Muhammad is not Islam religion founder. Islam religion is God religion per God Quran revelation to prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril) in year 610 AD. See question listed below for more information.

What happened with Arabia when Muhammad died?

After Muhammad's death, a series of caliphs succeeded him in leading the Muslim community. The spread of Islam continued rapidly across the Arabian Peninsula and beyond during this period. This led to the establishment of the Islamic empire and the transformation of Arabia into a major center of power and influence in the region.

When did Prophet Muhammad's uncle die?

Ansewer: The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) uncle died when he was about 45 years of age in KSA I hope this answer helps you my Islamic friend! mah salama!

When was the Islamic religion established?

Muslims believe that the belief of Islam has existed since the beginning of time. The belief of One God was a thought since the time even before adam. It is rooted off religions such has Judaism and Christianity.The actual religion of the actual religion began in the year 610 in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. Islam was first heard of in the year 610 when the prophet Muhammad began preaching that "there was no other God worthy of worship God and that he [muhammad] was his messenger."

What cities in Arabia became part of the Islamic empire during the time of Muhammad?

By the time Muhammad died, ALL of Arabia was either directly controlled by the Islamic Empire or was in vassalage to the Islamic Empire. It was only when Caliph Abu Bakr succeeded Muhammad that some of the Sheikhs questioned whether they were part of the Islamic Empire in perpetuity. The Ridda Wars, where Abu Bakr forcibly reunited Arabia under the Green Flag, ended that question affirmatively for the Muslims.

What is the date of Prophet Muhammad's death according to the Islamic calendar?

He died in the evening of the twelfth of Rabi' al-Awwal (June 8, 632 AD)

What happened t Muhammad's body after he died?

Unless his body was mummified, it would have returned to the dust from which it was created!

Why are leaders in Islam important?

the caliphs were Muhammad's successors, when Muhammad died there was turmoil between who had the right to succeed him...this started the sunni/ shia split

What happened to Muhammad s son Ibrahim?

he got really sick and died when he was 16 or 18 months old