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Since The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus paid for our sins before the foundation of the world, and that He came here to show us an example of what he had done on April 1st. I would say the answer is that He saved all of those He had planned to save. Which is how Enoch went into heaven. Can't go near God laden with sin. The wages of sin is death. Without the spilling of our lords blood there is no remission of sin.

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After the crucifixion, most were dejected, dismayed, and inconsolable, for their master who they had followed for three years was dead. And they were also afraid - afraid of the authorities as they believed that they were the next target. So most of them went into hiding. We hear. in the gospels, for example, of the disciples meeting behind locked doors.

However after the resurrection on the third day, and the coming of the Holy Spirit a little while later, this dishevelled, depressed gang became a force for Christ that spread the gospel far and wide. We know from Acts, for example that, Philip evangelised in Samaria although tradition holds that Philip also evangelised in Africa, Thomas to India, James across Europe to Spain, and , of course, Paul, to many areas in the Roman Empire. Others stayed in Jerusalem, the rest of Judah, or Galilee or in the surrounding areas, to evangelise.

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We actually don't know a whole lot about after He died, but then after three days, He rose from the dead..."And as He stands in victory, sin's curse has lost it's grip on me. For I am His, and He is mine. Bought with the precious blood of Christ." (In Christ's a song) Jesus now stands in victory, and BECAUSE HE STANDS IN VICTORY...I can still sin, that's just the way humans are, but we don't have to be bound by the sin. We can be set free by the blood of Christ. Like just 3 minutes ago, I sinned, very greatly actually. I don't know what I did, but I know I sinned very badly. But, all I have to do is say "Jesus, I'm sorry. Please forgive me again. I love You. I choose You. It's a new second...a new second to live for You alone. That's what I choose Jesus. The sin that I just committed, please wipe it clean. I know I've done it a hundred or more times, but please, wipe me clean. Wipe me clean in the blood of the lamb. Make me whiter than snow, God. Thank You. I love You. Forgive me." and there I go! I'm forgiven! Thank you for letting me share my latest prayer of forgiveness with you! I have to ask God to forgive me at least once a day, usually before I go to bed I ask for His forgiveness. And no matter what I do, no matter how bad it is, no matter how many times I've done it, no matter how many times he's already forgiven me of the same exact thing, He still forgives me again. Isn't that way awesome? That's the God I serve. I forgiving, loving God. A God who truly cares. The one True God. So what happened to the Christians after Jesus died you ask? Well, we're living pretty good I'd say! We're living, because He's living. If He hadn't rose from the grave, who knows where we'd be today. Isn't Jesus amazing?!

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most were martryd, when He sent the Holy Spirit for some time they converted many but after many were killed

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There were no "Christians" after Jesus died. They were all Jews, some of whom believed Jesus Christ was the Son of God.

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