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After the Resurrection, Jesus was seen by many thousands during the next 40 days - at the end of which He ascended back to heaven where He came from (see John 3:13). Ten days after this event, just outside of Jerusalem, in the Upper Room, the promise of releasing God's Holy Spirit into the world began on Pentecost Sunday, June 17, 31 AD. Here is an outline of the events:

Last Supper - Passover night, 25 April 31 AD, 4th Passover as Sir Isaac newton
first postulated

Crucifixion - Passover day 25 April 31 AD, just before sunset and start of High
Annual Sabbath of the Feast of Unleavened Bread

Resurrection - Saturday Sabbath, 28 April 31 AD, just before sunset and start of
first day - Sunday. Jesus ascends to the Father as the 'wave sheaf' offering for
humankinds' sins

Ascension - Thursday, 07 June 31 AD or 40 days after the Resurrection awaiting
Holy Spirit

NT Church - Pentecost Sunday (50 days after resurrection Saturday), 17 Jun 31 AD
and release of God's Holy Spirit to all He chooses (see John 6:44; 65).

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They prayed for 9 days, until the Coming Of the Holy Spirit.

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The apostles continued the work by spreading the gospel. Nothing much is said about Mary.

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Q: What happened to Mary and the apostles ten days after Jesus ascended?
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On the day of his resurrection Jesus appeared to:Matthew: Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, on the road as they returned from the tomb.Luke: The two men on the road to Emmaeus, then to the eleven apostles together in an upper room. They then went out to Bethany, where Jesus ascended to heaven.John: Mary Magdalene in the garden at the tomb, then to ten of the apostles together in an upper room.Mark: The earliest manuscripts of this gospel end at verse 16:8, with the young man saying that Jesus is risen, and the women fleeing in terror, telling no one. The "Long Ending" (verses 16:9-25) was added much later to provide resurrection appearances. In the "Long Ending" (there was also, at one stage, a "Short Ending") Jesus appeared to the two (women: to harmonise with Matthew, or men: to harmonise with Luke) as they walked and finally to to the eleven apostles together at a meal.

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Where did Jesus's mother go after His death?

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Did Mary Magdeline travel with Jesus and the twelve apostles?

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