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Q: What happened to Jews who didnt pay taxes to the Romans?
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What happened after the Romans banished the Jews from Jerusalem the Romans renamed the city .?

After the Romans banished the Jews from Jerusalem, the Romans renamed the city Palestine.

What happened as a result of tension between the Romans and the Jews?

The Jews revolted

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The Romans 'banished' them, and banned them from returning ever again...

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Jews Were Banned From Jerusalem

Did all Jews belive that roman taxes were a good idea?

No, not all Jews believed that Roman taxes were a good idea. Many Jews resented the heavy taxation imposed by the Romans as it was a reminder of their subjugation and oppression. Some Jews also believed that paying taxes to a foreign, pagan authority was a violation of their religious beliefs.

Why Romans and Christians have problems?

Pilot was a roman king who sent Jesus to death they made the Jews also pay taxes now the Romans and Christan's get along

What does publicans in the bible mean?

A Publican (Publicani) was so named by the Romans as early as the Punic war and pertained to persons who collected taxes and customs for that government. The Bibles uses that name for the Jews who collected taxes for the Romans in that time.

What the Romans took control over the Jews why did they allow the Jews to practice their religious?

All they wanted was payment of taxes and lack of rebellion. They did sometimes suppress Judaism, but often did not.

Why did the romans stop presecuting the jews?

They did not stop. What happened was that the Roman empire was sacked and destroyed and split up.

When did the Jews lose the land of israel?

It happened in the year 70 CE, when the Romans destroyed the 2nd Temple.

When the Romans took control of the Jews why did they allow to practice their religious beliefs?

Actually, there were times when the Romans outlawed Judaism, such as during the time of Hadrian. During those times that the Romans didn't interfere with the internal life of the Jews, the reason was because the Romans wanted to receive their taxes. That, and making sure none of their colonies planned rebellions, was usually the only thing that the Romans were really concerned about.

Did the Jews and Romans conquers live in peace?

the jews hated the romans