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Soddom and Gommarah were destroyed by sulfur and fire.

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Q: What happened at Soddum and Gommarah In the OLd Testament?
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What is the didifferent between Old Testament and New Testament?

The Bible is comprised of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament is part of the Bible. The Bible is made up of 66 books: 39 in the Old Testament and 27 In the New Testament.

Why old and New Testament are grouped?

The old testament is all what happened before the coming of Jesus, the new testament is after jesus came and died.

What is the Old Testament of the Bible about?

it is about what happened before the birth of Jesus

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Why is the old testerment in the Christian bibel?

In order to understand what is in the New Testament you need to know what happened in the Old Testament. GOD created everything in the beginning (which was the Old Testament--Genesis). The New Testament covers the Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of our Lord. His death due to the sinners which came out of the Old Testament.

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The Old Testament.

Is the Last Supper in the old testament?

Last Supper is a passage in the Bible that describes the last meal Jesus had with his disciples before he was captured, tortured and killed. It is part of the New Testament, not the Old. Anything that happened before Christ, is part of the Old Testament. Anything that happened during Christ's life and beyond, is part of the New Testament.

What is the most often said thing in the Bible?

The Bible said both old testament and new testament........old testament means what happened in the world is before birth of Jesus and New testament said after birth of Jesus what happened in the said that about the said that we should not spoil our life by said be a good man and do anything as well....... dont denigrate others.............

Is Abraham in the new testament or Old Testament?

Abraham is first mentioned in the Old Testament.

Is job in the Old Testament or new testament?

The book of Job can be found in the Old Testament.

Who killed Jesus in old testament?

Jesus was in the new testament and not the old testament.