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Assyria conquered Israel in 722 BCE. As was their general policy, they forced most of the Israelites, who had not already fled to Egypt or Judah, to resettle elsewhere in their empire. These Israelites assimilated into the local populations and gradually lost their ethnic identity, becoming lost to history. Jewish traditions hold that the "ten lost tribes" of emigrant Israelites will one day be identified, but that seems a hopeless cause.

Meanwhile, Assyria renamed their new province as Samaria, after the former capital city of Israel, and settled new peoples from elsewhere in the empire into this province.

A large influx of refugees swelled the population of Judah, which had to develop policies to assimilate the new arrivals. Fortunately, the Judahites and the Israelites were both of Hebrew background and spoke dialects of the same language, and had similar customs.

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They cried to the lord in their distress and he sent them saviours and deliverers to save them from their bondage.

Two such deliverers are Nehemiah and Ezra in the reigns of Cyrus and Darius.

You may read about them in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah.

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