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Q: What group of men today have inherited the power of the apostles for the church today?
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Which religions group became a political power in western Europe?

The roman catholic church.

How did Pentecost change the Apostles?

The apostles received power from the Holy Ghost during Pentecost.

What power did the apostles receive after the resurrection?

After the resurrection, the apostles received the power of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, enabling them to speak in different languages and spread the teachings of Jesus with boldness. This power also equipped them to perform miracles, heal the sick, and establish the early Christian church.

Why was saul's conversion important to the church?

Saul's conversion was important to the church because he went from being a persecutor of Christians to becoming one of the most influential apostles and spreading the gospel to both Jews and Gentiles. His transformation showed the power of God to change hearts and expand the reach of the early church.

What was unique about the apostles?

When we speak of the 12 apostles we speak of the unique group who were eyewitnesses of all that Jesus did as well as earwitnesses of what he said. That makes their writings unique. That makes their role unique. It's why Jesus said to them that they would be his witnesses (Luke 24:48)

When ultimate power is inherited and rests in the hands of one person this is known as?

When ultimate power is inherited and rests in the hands of one person this is known as a(n)

Are there any bishops in Roman Catholic Churches?

Yes, lots of churches have bishops as the main person in them, usually a Cathedral.Roman Catholic AnswerThe very word "bishop" is from the Catholic Church; it designates a successor of the Apostles who has the fullness of Christ's priesthood, and the power to ordain priests and deacons. Without the Bishop, there can be no Church, and outside of the Church there can be no bishops.

What are all the apostles in Skeleton Creek?

The apostles in Skeleton Creek are twelve supernatural entities that represent the twelve apostles of Jesus. They are: Apostle of Love: Wilbur who has the power to make people fall in love. Apostle of Peace: Simon who has the power to bring peace to the town. Apostle of Light: Jacob who has the power to bring light to darkness. Apostle of Faith: Stephen who has the power to inspire faith in people. Apostle of Hope: Thomas who has the power to bring hope to people. Apostle of Justice: Matthew who has the power to bring justice to the town. Apostle of Mercy: Mark who has the power to bring mercy to people. Apostle of Truth: Luke who has the power to bring truth to the people. Apostle of Wisdom: John who has the power to bring wisdom to the people. Apostle of Courage: James who has the power to bring courage to people. Apostle of Protection: Andrew who has the power to protect people. Apostle of Strength: Peter who has the power to give strength to people.These apostles are said to be the guardians of Skeleton Creek and they are believed to be responsible for the supernatural events that occur there.

Do Mormons still have their secret powers?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) do not and have never had secret powers. They do have priesthood power, which is the power of God manifest on earth. Through this power they are able to heal the sick and perform other miracles through the laying on of hands according to the faith of the recipient. They believe that this is the same power Jesus gave to His Apostles in the New Testament, resotored to the prophet Joseph Smith by Apostles Peter, James, and John in 1829. The priesthood is no secret. Anyone, Mormon or not, is welcome to recieve or watch a blessing and add their faith to the blessing. Check out the "Related Links" to learn more.

The ruler of a kingdom has a legitimate claim to his power because he?

inherited it

I am aware that the Church of England claims apostolic succession. I would be interested in knowing from what lines the Church of England claims succession.?

According to both the Apostles' and Nicene creeds (which the Church of England hold as authoritative), the Church of England or Anglican Church believes and sees itself as part of the Apostolic church. This means that they see themselves as based on the authority and teaching of Jesus' appointed Apostles, which is now available in the 27 books of the New Testament. That is, the Anglican Church claims to be based upon the teaching of Jesus' Apostles. However, this is different to apostolic succession. Apostolic succession is the belief that the Bishop of Rome has been conferred the authority of the Apostles (and particularly the Apostle Peter who is traditionally held to be the first Bishop of Rome). This is something that that Church of England does not hold to or claim. Not only is the Bishop of Rome (we'd call him the Pope) not recognised as holding any office within the Church of England, the hierarchical heads of the Anglican Church are first the sovereign of England, currently HRH Elizabeth II, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, currently Dr. Rowan Williams. Further, this most senior 'church man' in the English Church is appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister of England. Especially under Dr. Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury holds little actual power, let alone that which could be construed as apostolic succession.

Did the seventy that Jesus sent out have the same power as the apostles?

They should hyave the same power , or Jesus would not send them out.