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The four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

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Q: What four books of the New Testament treat Jesus actions and words?
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How do you become a living disciples of Jesus Christ?

First of all you have to believe on Jesus Christ. That is a prerequisite. That is essential. With out believing on Jesus Christ you can't be His disciple. After that you have to turn your life over to Him completely and do His will, which is to love Him and love your neighbor. (That is treat your neighbor as you would like your neighbor to treat you. ) Of coarse there are many other things you should do. Study the New Testament to find the answers.

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In the new testament, loving your neighbors is part of the Golden Rule. It is important that one "loves their neighbors" because in Jesus' teachings, you should treat people the way that you want to be treated.

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Muslims believe in all God holy books and treat them with respect.

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How do you treat Bible books?

You need to treat a Bible Book with care. The Bible is God's Word, so we should all treat Bible's and books that talk about the Bible and Christianity with care.

How many times does the name of Jesus appear in the Bible?

in the old testament never In The New Testament King James Version: The NAME Jesus appears 981 times. ////////// King James Statistics are at the link (not case sensitive) Jesus (973) Jesus' (10) Bar-jesus (1) This is a good example where the databases will not pick up all the words that are in superscription...These tally's are very complicated and you must treat them as such. love and peace Carpus Tertius

Is golden rule really golden?

No the golden rule is The teaching of Jesus that you should treat others as you would like them to treat you.

Who told parables and why?

Jesus to explain how we should act and treat God.

How does Hermione Granger say trick or treat?

Hermione never says trick or treat in either the books or movies.

What is cougnolle?

A Christmas treat from Belgium. See the related link for "Bread of Jesus".

What where Jesus' likes and dislikes?

The word "hate" is not mentioned in the quotes attributed to Jesus. In fact, he did not say he "hated" sin, nor did he say he condemned anyone. There are many people who claim to speak in his name, but they are often assuming he would hate certain things, when in fact he never said so. But based on his actions in the New Testament, and his strong belief in Jewish ethics, we may assume he would strongly dislike those who are prejudiced; he would be opposed to people who are cruel; and he would find it very wrong to oppress the poor. One of the main things that Jesus railed against (but never specifically said that he hated) was hypocrisy. He often criticized the Pharisees and Sadducees for their strict adherence to ritual practice, but general failure to treat people with dignity, which was the heart of the law.

How did jesus treat his perents?

He treated them well. As nothing is mentioned of Joseph after the time Jesus gets lost. But from the cross he told the disciples to look after her.