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luke in the gospels

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Q: What former book had been written by Acts author?
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Which Acts did Luke write?

In the New Testament, Luke's Gospel and Acts of the Apostles comprise a two-volume set written by the same author and fairly close in time to each other. Since they were attributed to Luke the physician later in the second century, it has been accepted that both books were indeed written by Luke.However, the author is actually unknown, as the Gospel and Acts were originally anonymous. The prologue to Luke's Gospel indicates that the author did not know Paul, but that what he believed were those things that were handed down from others, in a line back to men who must have been eyewitnesses. This is one of a number of reasons that scholars no longer believe that Luke the physician wrote Acts of the Apostles.

Is the Acts of the Apostles in the new testament?

A:Yes. Acts of the Apostles is in the New Testament, following John's Gospel. It is traditionally attributed to the physician Luke, but scholars believe it to have been written at the end of the first century or early in the second century by an unknown author.

When were Luke and Acts of the Apostles written?

AnswerLuke's Gospel and Acts of the Apostles comprise a two-volume set written by the same author and fairly close in time to each other. However, there must have been a reasonable time delay after Luke was written before Acts was written, since the author adjusted some of his narrative from one book to the next. In particular, Luke 24:50 says that Jesus ascended bodily to heaven on the evening of the day of his resurrection, whereas Acts chapter 1 says that Jesus spent forty days on earth after his resurrection and then ascended bodily to heaven. The author is unknown, as the Gospel and Acts were originally anonymous and only attributed to the apostle Luke later in the second century. A parallel reading in the Greek language shows that both Matthew and Luke were based substantially on Mark's Gospel, which was written approximately 70 CE. Thus Luke must date from well after the year 70 and Mark's Gospel.There is good evidence that Luke also relies on the writings of the Jewish military leader and historian, Josephus. This reliance probably includes extracts from Antiquities of the Jews, published in 93 CE, making a date much before 100 CE fairly improbable for Luke's Gospel. More certainly, Acts of the Apostles contains material undeniably based on Antiquitiesand must have been written after Antiquities was published. Some doubt that Acts could have been written in the second century because Paul's epistles were becoming widely circulated by that time and the author of Acts would have avoided writing material that so obviously contradicted Paul. An alternative view is that Acts was actually written in the second century because Paul's epistles were becoming widely circulated and the author wanted to influence the historical record.Many consider Luke to have been written in the 90s CE, but early in the second century is also possible. Whenever Luke was written, Acts was written some time later, no doubt in the early part of the second century.

What is the definition of Acts of the Apostles?

A:Acts of the Apostles was the first of a genre known as Christian Acts, and the only book of that genre to be included in the New Testament. It is sometimes seen as 'volume 2' of Luke's Gospel, which was written by the same anonymous author, probably a few years earlier.Acts of the Apostles has traditionally been thought of as a true and reliable history of the early Church. However, many New Testament scholars now regard it as a substantially fictional work of theology, rather than history. Regarding the former view of Acts, Hans Joachim Schoeps writes that the book has been believed much too readily.

Are Luke's Gospel and Acts of the Apostles two parts of a comprehensive work?

A:Yes. This is evident not only from the consistent style of the books, but from the opening addesses to Theophilus. We do not know the real author of Luke's Gospel and Acts of the Apostles, but they are believed to have been written around the end of the first century.

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Who says Luke wrote Acts?

Both Acts of the Apostles and Luke's Gospel were written anonymously, but there is no doubt that the author of Luke's Gospel was also the author of Acts. The question is only whether that author was in fact the apostle Luke.Later in the second century, when the early Church Fathers were seeking to establish who probably wrote each of the gospels, they noted from Luke 1:1-5 that the author was not an eyewitness to the life of Jesus. They also believed that the authorship of Acts meant that the author must have known Paul. Finally, the elegant, educated Greek used in these books pointed to Luke, the physician and companion of Paul as the most likely author if he was one of the apostles.Scholars now say that the author of Acts could not have known Paul or been his companion, because there are too many discrepancies between Acts and Paul's own account in his epistles; Acts is also commonly dated to the end of the first century or early in the second century, which is far too late for a companion of Paul. The author therefore remains anonymous.

Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles and what other book did this person write?

Acts of the Apostles and Luke's Gospel were written by the same anonymous author.Later in the second century, the Church Fathers sought to attribute each of the gospels to a disciple most likely to have written that book. The physician Luke was chosen for Acts of the Apostles and Luke's Gospel because the authorship of Actsseemed to imply a close association with the apostle Paul.However, there is no sound reason to believe that Luke really was the author of either book. In fact, modern biblical scholars, noting the discrepancies between some material in Acts and the genuine epistles of Paul, believe that the author could not have been an associate of Paul. We simply do not know who the author was.

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