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Although the Biblia pauperum, or Paupers' Bible, might be thought of as a format for the poor and/or illiterate, these were not produced for consumption by the poor. Although, these and other illustrated or illuminated texts may have been useful for priests to instruct the laity. The art forms that truly presented Biblical stories for the masses are known individually and collectively as Poor Man's Bible. This would include mosaics, sculptures, stained glass windows, paintings, etc.

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Q: What form of medieval art depicted Bible stories for people who could not read?
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I have never heard this term used, but if it has been it is because the churches contrained windows that told the stories of the bible. People couldn't read so the church to teach the bible stories used the church itself to teach the stories. They were in the stain glass windows and in the paintings as well using the "stations of the cross" to teach the bible.

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This is a difficult thing to answer because the entire Bible is filled with stories of early people. Please see attached links with some reading to get you started.

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Generally in churches. The plays of this time were put on by the church to tell bible stories. Later, guilds will sponsor the passion plays.

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