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Q: What famous thinker described religion as a comforting illusion that needs to be abolished in order for people to learn how to become truly happy?
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All religion should be abolished.

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He described religion as the opium of the people, an illusion designed to make them accept the status quo.

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Word pagan should not be used now days because it have strong racism tone. Kam III became christian, but I don't think everything can be abolished.

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Past, present and futur is just an illusion : On an unconsious level, everything is accessible.

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it is the Jewish and christainity mixed together

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Vodou & Yoruba.

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He would be best described as a pantheist.

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The olympic games were stopped after 393 AD by Theodosius I when he tried to make Christianity his state religion.

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The Civil Rights Act of 1964 abolished segregation in America, specifically in public places and employment. This landmark legislation also outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

What has the author Alverey Jackson written?

Alverey Jackson has written: 'Religion described'

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Frederick the Great of Prussia abolished torture, welcomed Voltaire to his court, and implemented limited freedom of religion and press in his state. He saw himself as an enlightened despot, believing in the importance of rationality and progress in governing his realm.