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In 730, the Byzantine emperor Leo III banned the use of icons. Icons are religious images used by Eastern Christians to aid their prayers.

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Emilia Morissette

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Q: What events caused a strain in the christian church in 730?
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What caused the strain in the Christian church in 730?

In 730, the Byzantine emperor Leo III banned the use of icons. Icons are religious images used by Eastern Christians to aid their prayers.

What event cause a strain in the Christian church in 730?

In 730, the Byzantine emperor Leo III banned the use of icons. Icons are religious images used by Eastern Christians to aid their prayers.

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No rheumatoid arthritis is an Autoimmune disease and is cause by the inflamation caused by the immune system. Repetative strain on joints is more likely to result in osteoarthritis.

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Yes, you can make many sentences with the word strain. Don't pull to hard or you'll strain the horse. Calm down, don't strain yourself. The leash was making the dog strain.

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It is possible especially since you strain when wrestling.

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A sprain refers to the overstretching of ligaments. A strain reders to the overstretching of muscles.

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The molecule that caused transformation in Griffith's mouse experiment was DNA. When heat-killed S strain bacteria (which had DNA) were mixed with live R strain bacteria (which did not), the DNA from the dead S strain bacteria was able to transfer genetic information to the live R strain bacteria, making them pathogenic.

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