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Chandragupta Maurya

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Q: What emperor gave up his throne converted to Jainism and eventually starved to death while fasting?
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Why alcohol should not take in fasting?

One should not take alchohol during fasting. That is what my fasting coach says. Alcohol will be converted to simple carbohydrate and burn as sugar. It will also dehydrate you even more if you are restricting liquids as well. And it will play havoc with lab tests .

What are the beliefs of the jainism?

They fast if the feel there's an error committed. Fasting encourages Jain's to do whatever they can do to maintain self -control. They believe that life is a series if births, deaths, and rebirths until the soul shed all karma and can achieve liberation.

What are different types of fasting?

Mentioned below are few types of fasting:- Buddhist fasting Ayurvedic fasting dry fasting juice fasting Therapeutic Fasting

What is juice fasting?

Juice fasting is something in which you have to do fasting but you can have juices.

Does fasting affect performance or performance affect fasting?

fasting affect performance

Is fasting beneficial for everyone?

Fasting can be dangerous for some people. It is best to ask and talk with a healthcare provider before considering fasting. Fasting can lead to unnecessary health hazards.

What is periodic fasting?

Fasting at regular intervals.

What has the author Alan Cott written?

Alan Cott has written: 'Fasting' -- subject(s): Fasting 'Fasting as a way of life' -- subject(s): Fasting

What are some scripture verses that go agains the religion Jainism?

Fasting without food wash the Karma or attain Moksha is wrong because real meaning is different. Krishna said when you eat or do any karma in keeping Him ( Krisna) in front you will have no bondage of any Karma ( Good or Bad ). Real fasting done by Mahavir that he ate every bite with keeping Soul in front means what I am eating is for body but i am soul. This is real fasting done by Krishna and Mahvir but jains made it different. In real Mahavir never fasted single day without food. Jain fasting is not good for body and you can not achive any purity by fasting . The purity should be within in Mind. Therefore Moksha achieved by Mind (MAN) ,Vatchan (SPEACH) and last Body (kaya).

What are two denomation of fasting?

fasting in various denomation

is 109 high after fasting?

is 109 high after fasting

When did Thomas Fasting die?

Thomas Fasting died in 1841.