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  • Both religions call for monotheism and that no God except one and only one God with no partner
  • Both religions don't believe in Jesus as God or son of God
  • Both religions call to same morals. For example don't cheat, don't steal, don't kill, don't practice fornication, etc.
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6y ago

1. One God

2. Moses is considered one of the four greatest Prophets of all time in Islam.

3. Circumcision

There is no question that Islam, like Christianity, was heavily influenced by Judaism, directly and indirectly. Very many concepts and quotes in the Qur'an (the book of Islam) are taken verbatim from the Torah, the Hebrew prophets, and later Jewish teachings. The Talmud was already recorded in writing by no later than 500 CE*, before the time of Muhammad, making it a simple matter to quote from it too.

*(Footnote: as stated in the Encyclopedia Britannica, under "Talmud and Midrash.")

Arthur Jeffery writes in "The Foreign Vocabulary of the Quran", in page 1 of the introduction: "One of the distinct impressions gleaned from a first perusal of the Quran, is that of the amount of material which is borrowed from the religions that were active in Arabia at the time when the Quran was in process of formation. It is plain that Muhammad drew his inspiration not from the religious life and experiences of his own land and his own people, but from the great monotheistic religions which were pressing down into Arabia in his day."

Charles Torrey in "The Jewish Foundation of Islam", writes on page 43: "It was at home, not abroad, that the Muhammad received the Biblical and Haggadic narratives which occupy so large a part of the Koran."

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They are linked through holy books and prophets. They believe in Almighty God, prophets, angels, heaven and hell, life after death, day of judgement.

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Q: What elements does Islam share with Judaism and what elements does Islam share with Christianity?
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Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all share the same common origin, which they trace back to the patriarch Abraham. The three religions also have similar basic beliefs, such as only worshipping one god.

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