Water in the Church is used in the chalice at Mass to indicate the union of the two natures in Our Blessed Lord. There are numerous uses for holy water in the Church and there is a long history of water, which is absolutely necessary for human life, and in human history (the flood, the Red Sea, the Jordon river).
Yes he did .
The water symbolized the washing away of sin.
The baptism of water was by John the Baptist, but baptism of Fire byLord Maitreya
Similarites being the water baptism is a physical act and the baptism of desire is not the way that Jesus was baptized. Rather the desire is actually a desire to not have to do more than just think about baptism.
Baptism represents the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus by being plunged under water, being under water, and being risen out of the water.
Water is used in baptism to symbolize the cleansing from sin given by the free grace of God.
when he went under water
It signifies being washed in Jesus.
Water baptism, life, death resurrection of Jesus. Jesus' death on the cross.
The Bible does not mention Jesus changing water to wine before his baptism. The first miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana is recorded in the Gospel of John and occurred after his baptism by John the Baptist.
"Baptism" comes from the Greek word "baptizo". It literally means "to plunge under" to submerge, to immerse. In christianity baptism can get contorted depending on which denomination you're with. Infant baptism is another related question. Obviously no one is going to plunge a baby under water. Thus the baptizing of babies by sprinkling their heads with water clearly isn't baptism. Baptism is meant to be an outward action that one makes when they decide to follow Jesus. The plunging under water is to represent dying and being buried with Jesus. The coming up from the water is parallel to Jesus' being raised from the dead to life. The new christian's baptism represents washing away the old and starting fresh with a new life in Jesus.