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My guess is that most people in the world have more immediate and pressing things to think about.

my first job was with a Jewish company and they treated me better than My Neighbour's do today i have never met a Racist Jew but there are a lot in my street

whenever i see the Jews making Money it tells me that the economy is doing fine because people can only make money if people are spending it

it is like all trades a Plumber Electrician a carpenter are all good at their Job if they were Not good they would be out of work Just like the Jews in most cases are good at making Money and making it work for them

Just Look at the USA most of the Media is owned by Jews

i get sick of people that abuse the Jews because of some Misconceived ideas they murder Christ the Romans did and in any case that was 2000 years ago Get over it

how long do people blame a race or nation for something done by dead people

the cause of all of Germany's problems was a little Austrian Cpl from 1924 not the Jews Gypsies communists trade unionists the disabled and the Homosexuals and catholic priests

Germany has about 150.000 Jews living there and look at how prosperous they are

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12y ago

Most Jews believe that Israel is the land of their forefathers and Prophets; the land promised to them by God (Genesis 28:10-13), to which they have a historic, emotional and spiritual attachment.

As concerns Israeli politics and policy, there are as many opinions as there are Jews. There are positions like those of Neturei Karta who vigorously oppose any Jewish settlement of Israel (and believe the area should be given to the Palestinians) and those like the Religious Zionists who refuse to follow Israeli settlement laws because they believe Jewish settlement of Israel is a divine mandate (and believe that most if not all Palestinians should be evicted) and just about every opinion in between.

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13y ago

Jews think Bethlehem is a small Palestinian city in the central West Bank, approximately 8 kilometers (5 miles) south of Jerusalem, with a population of about 30,000 people.

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