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Q: What does the word missie sahib mean?
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Who is missie sahib in the book The Secret Garden?

In the book "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett, Misselthwaite Manor's head housekeeper is referred to as "Missie Sahib" by the Indian servant Martha. "Sahib" is a term of respect used in India, and in this case, it is added to Missie as a sign of respect and deference.

What is a sahib?

Sahib is a Hindi/Urdu word which means Sir, also sometimes depending on the usage it can mean Owner.Usually this word is used as a way to show respect.

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Buddha Sahib is the founder of Buddhism.

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Missie McGeorge was born on 1959-08-20.

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How many times is the word hari found in Guru Granth Sahib Ji?

There Is 1697 times RAM word mentioned in GURU GRANT SAHIB.

What part of speech is sahib?

"Sahib" is a noun. It is used in Indian English to address or refer to a man in a position of authority or respect.

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A hukamnama is read from Guru Granth Sahib and first word of the last line of hukamnama is taken to be the starting word of the baby name

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What does the Muslim title Mir e.g. Mir Sahib used in India signify?

Mir is a Kashmiri tribe in India and Pakistan. The word ''Mir'' is used as a respect for a person who is an in-charge, Head or Big-Landlord of a particular tribe, in India & Pakistan. So people use this word for respect when they call some one as ''Mir''. In urdu (language) ''Sahib'' means exactly the same as the word ''Mr'' in English. When you say ''Mr & Mrs'' in English then in Urdu language you say ''Sahib & sahiba''. Sahib for male and sahiba for female. So sahib is also a word used for respect in urdu. When ''Mir'' & ''sahib'' are used together that means you are calling that person with very respectfully. This is why ''Mir Sahib'' is used also for a religious person to show great respect.