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It doesn't mean your actual flesh it kinda means how you really are like how you are with people.... Hope u get it

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Q: What does the word flesh mean in the bible?
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What does it mean to sow to the flesh mean in the bible?

Here is the scripture you refer to: For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. (Galatians 6.8) The word 'sow' refers to planting seed, so if you sow to the flesh, you are hoping for a fleshly, worldly, harvest or reward; but if you sow to the Spirit, you are hoping for a heavenly reward - everlasting life.

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No word on this. But the Bible does say that the married man and woman are now "one flesh". (Ephesians 5.31)

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Chair is flesh.

Does the word remembrance appear in the bible?

yes, during christ's admonition about his blood and flesh (holy communion)

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Seven pounds of flesh is not found in the Bible.

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Nothing - the word butterfly is not found in the Bible.

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The word pork is not in the Bible.

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The word Clarice is not in the Bible.

Where does the word Bible originate?

The word Bible comes from the Greek word "biblio" or "biblos" which mean The Book.

In the Bible what does essences mean?

The word essences is not in the Bible; therefore it has no meaning in the Bible.