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Q: What does the word erupt mean?
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Related questions

Is erupt a action word?

Yes, erupt is an action word, a verb; a word for the actof erupting.

What is a antonym for the word erupt?

The antonym for the word "erupt" is "calm" or "settle."

Is there a prefix or suffix in erupt?

Yes, the prefix in "erupt" is "e-" meaning out, forth, while the word "erupt" does not have a suffix.

What is the in afrikaans word for erupt?


What is the base word for eruption?

The base word for "eruption" is "erupt."

What is the definition for the word erupt?

Burst forth.

What is the root word for Eruption?


What does erupt mean does it mean to burst out?

No, it means to blow up.

What would be a good sentence with the word erupt?

Example sentence - I hope the volcano does not erupt while I am visiting in Italy.

What is the antonyms for erupt?

Sleep, dormant, inactive, not present, stalled, and calm are all considered as antonyms for the word erupt.

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