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Anointed one,and Savior.

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it means 'the anointed'

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Q: What does the term Christ mean?
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What do some people today mean when they refer to the term B.C.?

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Christ, as God the Son, is eternal. That is He is without beginning or end he exists outside of time. He always was, He is now, and He always will be. The term Eternality is the quality or state of being eternal.

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What does the Biblecal term BC and amp AD mean?

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Theological term transubstation means what?

If you mean "transubstantiation" it's the belief that the bread and wine in communion are actually the body and blood of Christ, not just symbols.

What does the term bce mean referred to in the Bible?

BCE means 'before the common era' and used to be referred to as BC, simply meaning 'before Christ.'

What does the term Holy Spirit mean?

The term "Holy Spirit" refers to the third part of the holy trinity of the Christian religion. It was the spirit that washed over the disciples of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion and brought them peace.