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The rock on which Christ would build His church is not Peter, but the truth to which Peter confessed, that Jesus is the Son of God. The deity of Jesus is the foundation on which the church rests, the fundamental creed of Christendom. This is the unmistakable meaning of the language.

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Q: What does the rock symbolize in Matthew chapter 16 verse 18?
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Christ Started the Catholic Church, when He Chose St. Peter as His Rock (St. Matthew chapter 16, verse 19).

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In the book of Matthew chapter 16 verse 18 you can read " And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."

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Matthew 7:24-25

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The Catholic Church was started by Jesus Christ when he said And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, in Matthew 16 verse 13.

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In the Gospel according to John, chapter 1 and verse 42 we are told ".......Now when Jesus looked at him (Peter), He said, "You are Simon the son of Jonah. You shall be called Cephas" (Which is translated, A Stone.) The term "Cephas" means "rock" in Aram, which is translated "Peter" in Greek.

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The sermon on the mount from Matthew Chapter five carry some fundamentals for the message of the Gospel. Right up to Matthew Chapter seven where he says that hearing and keeping His words is like building a house on a rock. There is so much more but watch the message on the message Jesus preached to get more verses.

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Approximately 33 AD. Christ Chose Peter to be His Rock(St. Matthew chapter 16). The Papacy can be traced all the way back to St. Peter.

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The Virgin Mary was Jewish. Her Son Founded the Church when He Said to St. Peter "And upon this Rock, I Will Build My Church." (St. Matthew chapter 16)

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The director of 'Camp Rock' is Matthew Diamond.

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Matthew Diamond

What does Matthew chapter 7 verse 20?

"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them" Jesus is talking about the false prophets in leading up to this passage. He is using analogy to describe two like things. Where trees that bring forth good fruit could also mean men who do good works, or the opposite; trees that bring forth corrupt fruit and men who do evil deeds. He goes on to say in Matthew 7:24 " Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house on a rock."

What does the word rock symoblize in the bible?

The vast majority of the time, the word rock doesn't stand for anything. It just means a rock. In the visions of Daniel in Daniel chapter 2, the rock represents the kingdom of God's church that would be established during the Roman Empire. (v 44). In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said he would build his church on this rock: his identity as the Christ, the Son of the living God.