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We all know we are perfect. The trouble is that those of you who think you are perfect and annoying those of us who know we are

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Q: What does the quote 'Hell is other people' mean?
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What does this quote mean The mind is its own place and in itself it can make a Heaven of Hell a Hell of Heaven?

Perceptions can be altered based on the mind of the individual. Simplified:- "life is what you make it".

What does reign in hell mean?

"To reign" means to rule over, and "hell" is the Christian religious place of punishment. Hell is ruled by Satan or Lucifer, also called The Devil. This is part of a quote from a famous book about Hell, and refers to Satan ruling over his kingdom of Hell.

Does popularity mean you are a good person?

Hell, no. It probably meansthat you are willing to let other people run your life for you, and that you have no morals.

What does hell bent mean?

- determined to achieve something at all costs. - very determined to do something, especially something that other people do not approve of. - If you say that someone is hell-bent on doing something, you are emphasizing that they are determined to do it, even if this causes problems or difficulties for other people.

What does it mean when someone is ready to date other people once again without the strings of a significant other?

Means they're horny as hell & can't wait no more

What does the quote A Republic If you can keep it mean?

what the quote is saying is that although they created a republic it is up to the people to keep it intact.

What does the quote you must look into people as well as at them mean?

i dont no either

What does this quote mean - My father's unreconciled identities?

it means that the father has a other idented

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Why do Christians believe that there's a haven and hell?

I am a christian and it's our belief but you go to heaven if you are saved by god which you can do by getting baptized or just saying a special prayer which is what i did and there is a hell for people that are mean and cruel to other people and dont get saved but in heaven you live forever you dont have to agree with me but thats a christians belief

What does the Lord Detest the thoughts of the wicked mean?

assuming it is a biblical quote, it will mean god hates the thoughts of evil people

What does the quote man is the cruelest animal mean?

The quote man is the cruelest animal means that of all the animals, it is man that causes much suffering to the other animals than any other animals.