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To speak of the laws of nature is a way of saying what will and must happen, because this is the only way the natural world works. To speak of the laws of God in this context is to explain the laws of nature in terms of a supernatural creator believed to have defined the way the natural world works.

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Q: What does the phrase the laws of nature and of God mean?
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What does laws of nature and of nature's God mean?

The phrase "laws of nature and of nature's God" is from the United States Declaration of Independence. It refers to the idea that human rights and laws are based on both the natural world and a higher power, indicating that there are certain inherent rights and principles that exist beyond human governance.

The laws of nature and of natures god?

The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God refer to the laws established in the created universe and the laws established by the Creator. These laws can be observed or reasoned by use of one's conscience and would be observed and reasoned the same by all people throughout the world. Obviously, if one does not believe in a Creator their reasoning would not direct them to a full understanding of the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God.

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"The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God"

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Do you mean, "How do you pluralize the phrase 'follow God's word' ? 1) Follow the words of God, or 2) Follow God's words.

Given that causal laws of nature are descriptions of past events on what basis can you assume that these laws must be the same in the future?

Since shortly after the moment of Creation (Big Bang, or by God), there is no evidence that the laws of nature and science have ever changed.

Where in the New Testament does Jesus call God spirit?

The Gospel of John 4:24, "God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." This is the classical statement on the nature of God. The phrase means that God is invisible as opposite to the physical or material nature of man.

What is the meaning of learning about science?

In the science, you study the rules of nature. You have pure science and the applied science. In pure science, you study the laws of nature as they are. In applied science, you study the advantages of the science to you and humanity. In my lecture in dental college, I said, " When you study the science, you study the laws of nature. Nature being creation of God, you do are doing a prayer to the God. So when you study a science, you are doing a prayer to God. So you do not need to go to the church or temple to offer the prayers to the God.

Why were more and more people coming to think slavery was wrong?

It went aganist the laws of God and nature.

What was the Egyptian god Osirus the god of?

If you mean Osiris he was the king of the under world and originally a GOD of agriculture and nature.