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The Jewish nation were chosen by God as the people to whom he would reveal himself through a succession of prophets like Moses, Elijah, Isaiah and so on. He made a covenant with them that they would be his people and he would be their God until such time that he was ready to pour out his Spirit on the whole of humanity (see the book of Joel). This 'covenant', or 'solemn agreement' or 'testament' all mean the same thing - a binding contract between God and us. However, when Jesus came, he, as God the Son, made a new agreement with us. That if we believed in him as God incarnate, we would one day live with him in heaven in God's presence (see John Chapter 14). this new covenant is also called the New Testament - the new contract between God and us. In The Bible, the books that refer to this old covenant are called by Christians the 'Old Testament' and are the first 39 books of the Bible (although Catholic Bibles include a few more). The New Testament books begin with the four accounts of Jesus' life (Matthew, Mark. Luke and John) the stories of the early Church (Acts), various letters written to churches across the then-known world (most written by Paul) culmination in Revelation of John where he describes, in fanciful language, the end of the world. Christians accept both the Old and New Testaments as scripture whereas Jews only accept the Old Testament.

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12y ago

The entire New Testament was preserved to give later generations an accurate account of Jesus Christ's Messiahship, His words and deeds, the vital knowledge He wanted passed on to all who would follow Him.

The Bible is the foundation of knowledge, showing the root cause for every problem that has plaqued mankind since the fall in the Garden of Eden by our 1st Parents. God's word is truth (John 17:17). His word reveals the true values by which we must life if we are to solve our massive relationship problems and all other seemingly insoluble dilemmas taht threaten to lead us to the brink of total worldwide disaster.

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7y ago

The first four books of the New Testament are about the life of Jesus Christ. The other books are about the birth and growth of the early Christian Church. Much of the New Testament is letters written to the young churches correcting errors that have developed and encouraging the new Christians in their faith. The last book in the New Testament is prophecy about future events in the world.

The New Testament was written by nine different men. Some were the original disciples of Jesus.

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15y ago

In the new testament it is mostly about the teachings of Jesus, and the later book is about the last days.

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15y ago

the old testament was before jesus. The new testament was when jesus was born and what he has done.

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12y ago

It Tells the story of Jesus

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