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Q: What does the effect that good or bad actions have on a person's souls?
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Can your actions good or bad effect your family friends and others or will it effect just you?

It will effect everyone. That is why they are so important.

When was Good Souls created?

Good Souls was created in 2001.

What are the souls on bleach called?

Plus souls are the good souls and Hollows are the bad souls

What was the ghost train doing?

The ghost train collects the souls of the dead. The stories make good morality tales, in which the souls are all bound for heaven or alternatively, for hell. The legend probably originated from stories of actual train wrecks in which many or all of the persons on the train were killed.

Does Hades only take bad souls?

No, Hades takes all souls. Good or bad, it doesn't matter.

Would a fatalist believe that good acts can change a persons fate?

No, a fatalist would believe that events are predetermined and cannot be altered by individual actions, including good acts. They would believe that fate is immutable and fixed.

Can alucard die?

Alucard cannot really die. He lives through his souls that are stuck in his body (the red eyes inside him). Without spoiling too much, in the manga someone implanted a virus in him, making those souls disapear and in effect making him vanish as well. However there is a good chance that he'll be back.

What was the name of the underworld the Greeks believed souls went to?

Hades was the underworld where all souls went whether they had been good or bad.

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Is the Greek underworld hell?

No the Greek underworld is not hell because it has a certain place where the souls of good people go where as hell is a place where unsaved bad souls go, although there is a spot in the underworld were bad souls do go.

As you sow so you reap - expansion?

This phrase conveys the concept that the consequences of our actions are directly related to the actions themselves. It emphasizes the idea that the results we experience are a direct reflection of the choices we make and the effort we put in. In essence, it highlights the idea of karma or the principle of cause and effect in our lives.