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"[name], be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit."

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Your parish will schedule a confirmation once your instructors feel the class is ready.

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Q: What does the bishop say when you are getting confirmed?
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What does the bishop say at confirmation when he blesses a person with holy oil?

Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then the one being confirmed says: "Amen." Then the bishop will say: "Peace be with you." And the confirmande will say: "and with your spirit" while shaking the bishop's hand.

How do you say bishop in German?


Who confirmed St. Rose of Lima?

St. Rose of Lima was confirmed by Fr. Alonso Delgado, the Archbishop of Lima, in 1597.

Why does the Bishop say Amen during Confirmation?

The Bishop says "Amen" during Confirmation to affirm and seal the sacrament. By saying "Amen," the Bishop expresses his agreement with the prayers and blessings being offered and indicates that the sacrament has been completed according to the Church's teachings and rituals. It is a way for the Bishop to give his approval and blessing to the newly confirmed individuals.

How do you say ms bishop in German?

Frau Bishop

When is a person ready to be confirmed?

When a person is ready to be confirmed is entirely at the discretion of the Bishop. Canonically, a person is ready to be confirmed immediately after he has been baptized, and in many rites, these two sacraments are always given together to newborns.

What day are you confirmed in the Catholic Church?

Each parish determines the date of Confirmation in coordination with the local bishop.

What month do you get confirmed?

There is no specified month for confirmation. Scheduling is left to the individual parishes in consultation with the local bishop.

What items are used in confirmation?

In the Catholic Church, the items used in Confirmation are holy chrism oil, which is blessed by a bishop, and a sign of the cross made by the bishop on the forehead of the person being confirmed. In some traditions, a confirmation name may also be chosen by the person being confirmed.

How do you say Bishop in Latin?

The Church Latin word for bishop is episcopus.

How does the sponsor connect with confirmation?

.Catholic AnswerBy putting his hand on the shoulder of the person while he is being confirmed by the Bishop.

What will you do in confirmation?

The bishop will say "Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" and you say "Amen". Then he says "Peace be with you" and you say "And also with you"