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Apostolic Tradition means that the Teachings of the Church can be traced all the way back to the Apostles.

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Q: What does the apostolic tradition mean for Catholics?
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Related questions

In what ways does Apostolic Tradition occur?

Apostolic Tradition occurs in two ways: through the living transmission of the word of God (also simply called Tradition) and through Sacred Scripture which is the same proclamation of salvation in written form.

Who founded the holy roman and apostolic church?

Catholics believe that Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church, and that this Church is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.

How does apostolic tradition relate to scripture?

Apostolic Tradition, or Apostolic Example, is the second of three means of establishing scriptural authority. The three means are as follows:1. Direct/Express Command2. Apostolic Example3. Necessary InferenceApostolic example is necessary for the establishing of God's will, as the Apostles were inspired by the Holy Spirit.The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Thessalonians 2:15, "Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle."This verse establishes that Apostolic Tradition/Example is equal in law to direct commandments.

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Apostolic means related to the 12 Apostles.

Do Catholics celebrate quinceanera?

The quinceañera is not a Catholic tradition inasmuch as it is not a tradition of the Church and is not practiced everywhere that Catholics are present. The people who do celebrate the quinceañera, however, tend to be Catholic, as this is a Mexican tradition and Mexico is a mostly Catholic nation.

What is the passing down of beliefs in the catholic church?

I think you are referring to "apostolic succession" or "holy tradition."

What is the difference between roman catholicseastern orthodoxs and protestants?

Both Catholics & Orthodox believe in Apostolic Succession, while Protestants do not.

What did Apostolic tradition have to do with the Church?

When Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, founded His Church, He founded it on Peter. Peter, and the other apostles were the original bishops of the Church. To be a genuine Catholic Church that is in communion with the Pope (the successor of St. Peter) and Christ, its Bishop must be ordained in the Apostolic line. Without such valid apostolic ordination, it is not a true "Church", only an ecclesial community. In other words, Apostolic tradition is the basis for the Church, revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle.

Who are roaming Catholics?

Do you mean Roman Catholics?

Why do catholics use scripture and tradition?

Many Catholic beliefs and practices are not found in scripture so to justify these they put tradition before the scriptures

What does moss mean to Catholics?

Moss has no significance to Catholics.

Why is apostolic tradition important?

Apostolic tradition is important because it reflects the teachings, practices, and customs passed down by the apostles themselves, providing a direct link to the early Church established by Jesus Christ. It serves as a foundation for the beliefs and structure of many Christian denominations and helps maintain continuity with the teachings of the apostles.