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The name Ganesha is a Sanskrit compound, joining the words gana, meaning a group, multitude, or categorical system and isha, meaning lord or master.

The word gaņa when associated with Ganesha is often taken to refer to the gaņas, a troop of semi-divine beings that form part of the retinue of Shiva. The term more generally means a category, class, community, association, or corporation.

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13y ago
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11y ago

The Hindu god Ganesha represents the mechanism called competitive blockade.


If two thoughts try to enter our conscious mind simultaneuosly, neither of them, nor any other thought, succeed. This abolishes all thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions.

This also gives peace and self-control, though both are false.

The mechanism also enables us to barter powers between two thoughts.

The blocking thought is called Vighna. Therefore, Ganesha is also known Vighneshwara or master of obstacles.

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13y ago

Stand for? I believe what you are trying to ask is why do people keep Ganesh idols everywhere and that is because he brings good luck

^^^ Why is that horrid answer everywhere?

He is a symbol for luck and the starting point of everything on this planet. He stands for that and more, but I doubt anyone would want the essay-long answer on this site.

The symbolism of Ganesha:Ganesha is known as the remover of Vighnas or obscacles in the path of what we are doing. He is also known as the god of wisdom because he enables us to execute seemingly impossible tasks.

Vighna/ Competitive blockade:

Ganesh is symbolic of the mechanism called Competitive blockade

This machanism enables us to,

1. Block unwanted thoughts and actions

2. Unblock blockades/ Vighnas

3. Divert power from socially unacceptable activities into socially acceptable activities.

The symbolism of Ganesha:

Ganesha has the body of a human being and the head of an elephant, symbolizing the fact that he enables us to use the mighty force of another activity for the taks at hand.

It is for this reason that Ganesha has mouse as his vehicle, which symbolizes execution of a mighty task with a small force.

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12y ago

Ganesh is the Hindu God of knowledge and the remover of obstacles or God of elimination of troubles. He is also called Ganapati (leader of people), Buddhividhata ( god of knowledge ), or Vighnahara (god to remove obstacles). In fact Lord Ganesh has at least 108 names. He is one the most important Gods in the Hindu religion so that all sacrifices and religious ceremonies, all serious compositions in writing, and all worldly affairs of importance are begun with an invocation to Lord Ganesh.

Ganesh is usually depicted as an elephant head figure with a large pot belly. He has four hands with one hand always extended to bless people. Like most other Hindu gods, he has a 'vehicle', in his case a rat: this rat is usually shown at the foot of the god, but sometimes Ganesh is astride the rat. This unique combination of his elephant-like head and a quick moving rat vehicle represents tremendous wisdom, intellegence, and presence of mind.Ganesh's father is Lord Shiva. Shiva is the third deity of the Hindu triad of great gods, the others being Brahma and Vishnu. He is called the Destroyer and personifies both the destructive and the procreative forces of the universe.Ganesh's mother is Parvati wife of Shiva and fertility goddess. She is thought to be the model Hindu wife. Shiva is also the god of asceticism (the practice of self denial) and Parvati by becoming his wife paved the way for the spread of peace and felicity in the world.

Parvati was rather disappointed that none of the guards she appointed out of Lord Shiva's army failed to stop him from barging into her private chambers. She decided to have someone who would be entirely her own and place no one above her. Hence, she created Lord Ganesh from dough that she used for her bath and breathed life into him. Having created the figure, Parvati told him to ensure that nobody, but nobody entered her rooms while she bathed.

Lord Shiva soon came in and was stopped by Lord Ganesh. This enraged Lord Shiva and he beheaded the boy. This enraged Parvati to such an extent that she asked Goddess Durga & Goddess Kali to destroy everything and everyone. To appease her, Lord Shiva beheaded an elephant and attached the head to Lord Ganesh's slain torso. Lord Brahma brought the boy back to life and they took him to Parvati.

Parvati still had a few conditions to be fulfilled by the Gods for her son before she agreed to cease the havoc created by the Shaktis. She asked that he should be invincible, the giver of victory and God of wisdom. The person who worships him should gain success and property. She also wanted that nobody should be permitted to heaven before pleasing him and it should be compulsory to first invoke him before any other deity. These were all granted to Lord Ganesh, by the triumvirate of Gods, Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva.

Lord Shiva appointed Lord Ganesh as the leader of his gana (public) and called him Ganapati, literally meaning, leader of people. Ganapati represents all the qualities that a leader should have. A leader should listen to everybody, therefore the large ears. He should have nose to scent out the smallest problem, which a large trunk does with sensitivity. A large forehead is an indicator of a brilliant mind. It is important for the leader not to let out all that he knows or all that he has been told, that is why Lord Ganapati has large stomach

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Ghumte Ganesh

Lvl 2
4y ago

Ganesha symbolism meaning

– The head of Shri Ganesha is taken from the elephant – the elephant is the largest of all the animals in the vast body, the elephant is huge and also very powerful.

Though an elephant is very powerful at the same time, it is very calm and sharp.

It is said that elephants never forget the path they use once. Since centuries humans and elephants have enjoyed a very healthy relationship with each other.

The meaning of the elephant head on Shri Ganesha is a symbol of power, intelligence and ability to think.

– The big ears of Shri Ganesh – denotes the ability to listen. Ganapati listens to those who ask for help from him. Big ear’s of Ganesha’s shows his ability to listen to many devotees simultaneously.

– The big forehead of Shri Ganesha – denotes his intelligence and ability to think.

– Shree Ganesh’s small mouth – shows Ganpati’s ability to listen and understand more and speak less.

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12y ago

he represents the god off Egypt thats what he is and he died 1 million years ago he lived in the pyramid

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12y ago

Whatever he represents, he has an elephant's head

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14y ago

Ganesh symbolizes goodness and peace

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13y ago

Ganesh symbolizes goodness and peace

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