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zahav (זהב) = gold

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Q: What does the Hebrew word Zahav mean?
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What is the word for gold in Hebrew?

Zahav (זהב)

Does jemima mean gold in Hebrew?

No. The Hebrew word for gold is zahav (זהב). Jemima comes from the Hebrew word Yemeemah (ימימה) which meand "dove"

What does zahav mean in English?

Zahav, which means gold in Hebrew, evoking the sun sparkling on Jerusalem stone

How do you write the word goldwire in Hebrew?

goldwire = khoot zahav (חוט זהב)

What is the Hebrew word for gold mine?

Mikhreh zahav (מִכְרֵה זָהָב)

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chets zahav (חץ זהב)

How do you say gold in Hebrew?

Gold - Zahav (זהב)

How do you say house of gold in Hebrew?

beyt zahav (בית זהב)

What is the Hebrew word for gold?

lead (the metal) = oferet to lead (verb) = lehadrikh or lehovil

What is the Aramaic word for gold?

The Aramaic word for gold is "zahav."

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Sydney is not a Hebrew word. It has no meaning in Hebrew.

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diestra has no meaning in Hebrew. This is not a Hebrew word.