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I don't know about the 'rapture', but at the last judgement before the great white throne, everyone, that was dead and everyone that is alive are judged, and here is what happens to hell:

And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death (Revelation 20.14)

Answer # 3

Lets start with the idea of Rapture. Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, and Ephesians 6 all speak of the same events which occur at the end of this earth age. During those events you are to be delivered up to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you while you are on trial before Satan who has come to deceive everyone that he is Christ returned. How can you stand against Satan, to defeat him if you are flying off into space somewhere? Deceived Christians will be corrected by the words which come from your mouth when you are delivered up before the fake Christ, and his televised trials. The word rapture is not even in biblical text. Ezekiel 13 defines how our Father feels concerning rapture doctrine...

Concerning hell. There are three specific words in the Greek which are translated hell in the English. The one you are seeking from revelation is Greek word 86 Hades "hah-dace" which is defined as a state of departed souls. Luke 16 documents this encounter beginning with verse 19. There you learn all souls go to return to our Father as it is written in Ecclesiastes 12:7. In Luke 16 you learn those souls either stay there with our Father or are placed in Hades where they can see heaven but they can not go there, because of their works in the flesh. Therefore hell as defined by Strong's word 86 is a holding place for souls who did not earn the right in the flesh life to live with our Father in heaven... however they can see from Hades the love of our Father and Christ and how those who did earn through their works, the right to be at that throne with our Father and Christ receiving that love .... That is what hell is.

The other mention of hell using the same Greek word "86" is Revelation 6:8 where you observe death and hell coming at the opening of the 4th seal. Don't get all wound up over this as Death as we learn from Hebrews 2:14 that death is Satan (the devil). Why? because if you follow him and believe in his deception and lies and not the truth, then your soul is dead. When Satan comes claiming to be Christ and deceives most of the word as it is written in Revelation 13 then those souls who believe the deception, become dead souls which can not approach our Father or Christ, therefore the volume of souls which will fill that place where the Rich man is (hell) increases... make sense?

In Revelation chapter 20 there are two events related to this same discussion. The first is that Satan is defeated by the true Christ. Satan is bound in prison for 1000 years, during which time Christ and his disciples teach the truth to all souls. After that 1000 years, Satan is released and allowed to deceive souls again, as a test. Anyone who fails the test goes back to that place called Hades. At the time of judgment we observe that death (Satan) and hell (holding place of the deceived and wicked) give up their dead to be judged (Revelation 20:13-14). Each soul is judged according to their works and either goes on to the next earth age (eternity) or is cast into the lake of fire and destroyed. We also learn that death (Satan) and Hell are cast into the lake of fire, as neither will be needed in the eternity as all evil souls have been destroyed through judgment.

A long explanation I know but its a very involved subject which requires further study by all those reading what has been written here.

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Q: What does the Bible say about hell in Revelation concerning the rapture?
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