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One point of view:

He says that they are Blasphemer's, and blasphemy is rumored to be the ONLY unforgiven sin. Jesus is the way to salvation, he is quoted to say "If you are ashamed of my father (God, I AM, YHWH), I will be ashamed of you".

Think about it, if your real life father owned heaven, would you let a person in if they had been making fun of him? What if they told everyone that your father was horrible and lazy, because he lets people die? (as if he is a murderer)

What if they told everyone that anyone who believes in your father is a fool?

Would you let your dad have his wrath on this person or would you just send them away? Scholars and religious figures are still arguing about hell. Some say everyone is headed there, some say it does not exist yet. Some claim hell only exists long enough for God to throw Satan and his believers into the fire at the end of the world. Either way if you do not want to go there I would not suggest talking crap about the owner of heaven. I would just say "I don't believe in anything" or even better yet "I am unsure what to believe at this time".

Another thought:

The Bible calls those who don't believe in God "inexcusable"(Romans 1:20-23)

and 'senseless' (Psalm 14:1)


"The FOOL hath said in his heart, 'There is no God..." (Ps.14:1 & Ps.53:1 KJV).

Same verses; [NLT] New Living Translation: "Only FOOLS say in their hearts, 'There is no God...'".

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Q: What does the Bible call people who say there is no God?
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