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Back int the 1960s (when I was young) the Civil Rights Movement was on. During the sixties were gobs of sayings and bumper stickers. The Jesus is Black bumper sticker and saying was popularized for a pseudo way of saying the Blacks and Jesus was acceptable. It was basically a stab at the White Southerners who were church goers and practiced racism and the separation of whites from blacks. At the time I thought it quite funny knowing Jesus was a Semite Jew. He was not white or black or Asian or another other race. But the saying did make its point. It was even used in a comic manner on the popular television show Laugh-In by Sammy Davis Jr. and others.

For clarification the saying and the bumper sticker was not declaring he was truly black. It was only said and used to make a point that blacks are as acceptable as Jesus, the son of God and to remind the racists they are wrong to dislike and discriminate against the blacks or any other race. Racism is a very serious sin against mankind. Even Jesus' own race suffered extreme racism when Adolf Hitler killed over six million Jews and five million others of Slavic, Russian, Georgian, and other European races.

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