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You must want to become a Jew. You must ask several times to become one before you can be accepted. You must study Judaism from head to toe and really, truly believe in what it says. Then you can be honored with conversion.

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12y ago

According to all streams of Judaism, any person born to a Jewish woman is a Jew.

The Reform stream of Judaism also considers children born to a Jewish man and non-Jewish woman, but who are raised Jewish, to be Jewish.

It is possible for non-Jews to become Jewish. To do so, the individual must first convince a rabbi to assist with this process. There is then 1-6 years of study with the rabbi. At the end of the individual's study, he or she must then go before a religious court to convince the rabbis that they are ready to become a Jew. After court, the individual goes to the mikvah, a ritual bath (not the same as baptism). Men must also be circumcised (already circumcised men undergo a symbolic circumcision).

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8y ago

It depends on who you ask.

According to Jewish tradition, a Jew is either (1) any person whose mother was Jewish (Talmud, Kidushin 68b), or (2) any person who has gone through a proper conversion to Judaism (Talmud, Yevamot 47a). However, a person loses their Jewishness if he/she converts to a different religion.

According to the Nazis, a Jew was (1) any person with one Jewish grandparent or (2) a person who converted to Judaism, regardless of procedure.

According to the Israeli government, a Jew is (1) any person with one Jewish grandparent, or (2) any person who has gone through a proper conversion to Judaism. However, a person loses their Jewishness if he/she was originally a Jew and converts to a different religion, but not if the person was never Jewish.

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Jewish tradition states that a Jew is any person whose mother was Jewish (Talmud, Kidushin 68b), or any person who has gone through a proper conversion to Judaism (Talmud, Yevamot 47a).
The word "Jew" (in Hebrew, "Yehudi") is derived from the name of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob and one of the Twelve Tribes of the Israelites. After the Ten Tribes went lost some 2600 years ago, the Tribe of Judah constituted the majority of the remaining Israelites; so since then we have simply been called "Jews" (people of Judah), even for those of us who may be from the other Israelite tribes.

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It can be either. According to the laws of Judaism, a person born to a Jewish woman is a Jew. Alternatively, a person can become a Jew through valid conversion. However, a person who is a Jew, can convert to another religion and is seen as being cut off from the Jewish Nation. This person would technically be a Jew, however, they would not be Jewish.

Can a non-Jew become Jewish by nationality other than just religiously?

Answer 1I like to look at it this way. An Italian can move to Germany go through a process and officially become German. Germans who moved to America are still German.And the same goes for Jews, if you descended from a Jew, you are a Jew. If you convert to Judaism, you are a Jew. Look at the Jewish nationality like a country with the borders being Judaism, rather than physical borders. When you convert you become a "citizen" of this culture. Yes, there is still a "Jewish ethnicity" and a non-Jew can never ethnically become a Jew. Just like an Italian could never ethnically become German. But a non-Jew can become Jewish by nationality.Answer 2If you mean without converting, some non-religious Jews might answer yes; you could move to Israel, or live among Jews or simply keep Jewish customs and practices. The religious answer is that you need to convert with a valid conversion, which includes (among other things) the intent to live as a Jew.Answer 3No. A person who is born a non-Jew cannot become exclusively a "Jew by nationality." That person needs to become a Jew in the religious sense in order to embrace the nationhood-aspect of Judaism.Contrary to the analysis provided in Answer 1, while Israel is the Jewish State, Israeli citizens are Israelis, not necessarily Jews. Conversion to Judaism is a religious process, not a citizenship-like process (which exists in Israel for Israeli citizenship).