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The mind is a very complex tool. Its more advance and sufficient than the best computer. But it relies on the signals sent to it by the body. When we dream, our mind is doing several things at once. Its mostly electric signals being past through the brain cells, aka, processing information. Sometimes those electric signals can be so intense that our body reads it as reality and responds. If you see the first move of the Matrix triology, you might understand it a little better

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Q: What does it mean when you jolt awake to the feeling of being hit and you look around and no one is there?
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Is jolt is a verb or noun?

The word jolt is both a verb (jolt, jolts, jolting, jolted) and a noun (jolt, jolts).Example uses:Don't jolt grandma's furniture, her glass figurines are very expensive. (verb)Seeing Richard with his old girlfriend gave her quite a jolt. (noun)

What is sentence for jolt?

Capital punishment delivers many murderers last jolt. I could really go for another jolt of coffee. This morning's news gave me quite a jolt.

Is it normal to be physically asleep but your mind is awake and you can open your eyes and think but its hard to jolt yourself awake?

This is a scary experience but its common and nothing to worry about.

What is it called when you can have a good dream but you still wake up suprised like it was a nightmare?

It is called being startled awake. Weather from a bad or good dream...its the jolt of waking up.

A sentence using the word jolt?

Putting your tongue on both the positive and negative of a 9-volt battery will give you quite a jolt. Hitting a solid surface with a hammer will give your arm a jolt. When my brother leapt from his hiding place behind the dumpster, it gave me quite a jolt. Basically, any place where you use the words "shock" or "surprise" could simply be replaced with jolt.

Does citalopram keep you awake?

Majority of patients who take Lexapro state that it makes them tired. Personally I found that it makes me sleepy, but once I have had 8-10 hrs of sleep I jolt out of bed fully awake and rested. Through out the day I can feel sluggish though.

Is a jolt a noun?

Yes, "jolt" is a noun. It refers to a sudden, strong movement or impact.

Does Jolt live in Transformers 3?

Jolt is not in Transfromers 3

Does Jolt fly a plane in Transformers 3?

Jolt is not in Transformers 3

When was The Jolt created?

The Jolt was created in 1976.

How do you say injeção de ânimo in English?

A jolt or, a jolt of energy.

What is a antonyms for jolt?

the opposite of jolt is mad