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Sin was nailed to the cross when he was crucified and made the payment for the sins of the world.

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Q: What does it mean when it says that Jesus condem the sin?
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Is there any text that says Jesus had sin?

No, as a matter of fact, the Bible says the exact opposite, that Jesus never sinned: 2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

How do you know Jesus didn't get drunk?

because being drunk is a sin and the bible says that Jesus was sinless

Is a Sin to think to do wrong?

kind of, a sin is going against Jesus's rules or cammands. but in order not to sin the bible says you just have to act in love. if you act in complete love then you shouldn't be able to sin

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Jesus was free of sin. He did not have sin nature. He was the son of God

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He had righteous anger. The Bible says he had never sinned in his lifetime. According to Jesus, hatred is a sin.

What do jesus mean when he says- he don't hear the prays of the wicked?

I will disregard the fact you tried to quote scripture in Ebonics...when he says he doesn't hear the prayers of the wicked he doesn't mean that he doesn't listen when you mess up. When he says wicked, he is talking about the people who consciously decide not to follow God and continue to do so. Jesus is "all ears" when you're trying your best.

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Wealth is not a sin to Jesus, but the love of money is.

Did Jesus sin at any time in his life?

No he did not . Jesus was temped but he never sin.

What is Jesus of nazareth's weakness?

Christians believe that that jesus never had a weakness except for one seeing sin in front of his eyes because in the bible its says that jesus is a very hold man; the son of God.

What does paul of the bible mean carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in body?

Paul was saying that we shoud die to sin (forsake sinning), so we can live to righteousness (receiving Jesus into our heart and do what He wants us to do, which is what He says for us to do in the Bible), to receive Jesus in your heart just say, "dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart, forgive me of my sin, thank You for dying for me. I believe you have risen and that You're coming back again for me. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Thank You Jesus."

Was Jesus hot and gay?

No, Jesus is the Son of God/God and is sinless. He hates all sin, but will forgive sin when a person repents of their sin and accepts Jesus Christ as Savior

Is kidnapping a sin?

Of course it is, anything Jesus wouldn't do is a sin.