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To "rant" means to talk at length about a subject, to complain bitterly. A rant can also be called a tirade or a diatribe. A "rant" is also a form of comedy, usually on television or video.

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Q: What does it mean when a person is ranting?
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What is a sentence with the word ranting?

There is no use ranting about it, you are going to bed at eight.He was ranting about how someone stole his parking space.The terror fanatic was ranting about jihad, before a well-placed assassin's bullet permanently silenced him.She was ranting and raving like a crazy person.

How do you use ranting in a sentence?

He spent hours ranting about the hike in gasoline prices. She's done ranting and raving about his drinking and she wants a divorce. Our boss is ranting about the decline in sales.

Is Jerry John Rawlings still alive?

Yes he is raving and ranting as usual and giving no peace to politicians. Some of the ranting may be okay. but nine out of ten times the ranting is uncalled for. You get the feeling he misses the days of power. Well times sure have changed and he has to live with the change.

Is a blog a reliable source?

No. Blogs contain opinions and ranting. They are unreliable.

What is the definition of ranting?

To rave. To talk constantly about some topic. To complain loudly.

What is a word for talking angrily without stopping?

that's Nagging, Ranting, and my personal favorite Menopause

Does Charlie react about renesmee?

yes, he kind of does if that was what you were asking. He has an awkward moment not really a ranting and raving moment.

What is another way of saying constant talking?

Non-stop chatter or incessant babbling.

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Is a good thing?

Ranting "Can" be good, but it can also be harmful. Ranting is a form of expression and often helps someone who is very vocal get out their frustrations. By putting their strong feelings into words, they can work through their thoughts and make decisions about it they may have not yet made as well as find validation in their beliefs just by saying them out loud. However, if someone is very negative when "ranting" and is overheard by an individual involved, or someone who is generally sensitive in nature to negativity, they can be easily offended and or hurt by what is said.

How can you write a letter to the glee producers?

You'll find that ranting on Tumblr or Twitter works quite well. Trust me.

What was the word in German for Hitler's ranting speeches?

There's no specific word for them. Personally, I'd describe them as Wut- und Scheianfälle.