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To be made Holy.

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Q: What does it mean to be set apart for God?
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Related questions

What does it mean to be saintified?

Saintified- To be set apart or Holy. We are saintified because we no longer are apart of the world our Father God in Heaven has set us aside as His.

What means set apart for god?

"Set apart for God" typically refers to something or someone being dedicated or consecrated for religious purposes or service to God. It often implies a separation from worldly concerns or a commitment to a higher spiritual calling.

Who has the Lord set apart for Himself?

God isn't real

What does distiguishing mean?

set apart

What does it mean to be holy?

It means to be set apart.

What does sequestered mean?

It means removed or set apart.

Can a man be sanctified?

Absolutely! God calls people to be "used by Him and for His service." We are called to be "Saints". Both 'sanctify' and 'saint' means set apart for use or set apart for holiness.

Why was the holy land named by the christians?

It was called the Holy Land by the Israelites. The word "Holy" means to be set apart. God set apart the land of Israel for the Israelite nation.

What does the nameJeremy mean?

God will raise up, God will set free.

What dose staggered mean?

Way of walking or set apart in increments.

What does consecrated to God means?

dedicated to God's sacred purpose (adapted from Merriam-Webster online dictionary)

What does the name Jeremey mean?

Did you mean Jeremy? Means God will raise up or God will set free.